AstroTurf war: Your top ideas on what to do with the Dome


The debate about what to do with the Astrodome is nothing new. In fact, Ken Hoffman wrote a piece on CultureMap last week about this exact topic.

If you haven't read it, be sure to check it out here. There were so many comments regarding the article, that we decided to talk about some of the top suggestions we received about what to do with the Astrodome.

ESPN 97.5's Joel Blank weighs in on the most popular ideas in the comment section, which are pretty interesting to say the least. Point Blank is presented by Fitz Roofing.

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A glimpse at Houston's fresh uniforms. Composite Getty Image.

The day has finally arrived! The Texans' new uniforms are shown below. In the first video below are the new Battle Red and Liberty White uniforms.

Below are the Texans' new Home and Color Rush uniforms.

In the final video below, Cal and Hannah McNair discuss the process of designing the new uniforms. They pull back the curtain at the Nike facility where all the magic happened.

If you prefer not to watch the videos, you can see all uniforms in the images below.

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