How the sign-stealing scandal impacts Cole's decision to return to the Astros


The cheating allegations shine a bad light on the Astros organization, but how do the accusations affect the players themselves?

With Gerrit Cole currently deciding the direction his future will go, the allegations might throw off Houston's chances of bringing him back.

ESPN 97.5's Joel Blank and Raheel Ramzanali discuss if the cheating allegations make it less likely that Gerrit Cole will re-sign with the Astros. Point Blank is presented by Fitz Roofing

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Let's make a deal! Composite Getty Image.

Astros GM Dana Brown recently spoke with The Athletic, and he doubled down on the notion that the Astros will not be sellers at the 2024 MLB trade deadline.

In fact, Brown anticipates the club being buyers.

Let's be honest, what else is he going to say in early June? Especially with an owner that claims the championship window will never be closed as long as he's in charge.

Don't miss the video above as ESPN Houston's Jeremy Branham and Joel Blank break it all down.

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