Fred Faour: This is about Tiger Woods, so you will probably click on it

Fred Faour: This is about Tiger Woods, so you will probably click on it
Tiger Woods might officially be back. Andrew Redington/Getty Images

Tiger Woods will never win another major. 

-- Me, sometime after he got hit over the head by a golf club and before every major since.

Well, Tiger Woods came really close to finally proving me wrong on Sunday, finishing second in the PGA Championship, two shots behind Brooks Koepka. 

Brooks Koepka, winner of two majors this year and back to back U.S. Opens. Who knew? Well, hardcore golf fan. The general public has no idea how good he is, because Tiger's shadow continues to dominate golf coverage. 

USA Today might as well be Tiger Today as much as it is a PR tool for Woods. Every story on every golf tournament is about what Tiger did. The headline on their main story Monday? "Even Tiger haters should appreciate his results in this year's majors."

Um, no. That is a wee bit over the top. If you hate Tiger, you aren't going to appreciate anything. Nice try.

But USA Today is merely overdoing what any media outlet would do -- focus on the guy who gets clicks. 

Even now, Tiger moves the meter unlike few athletes in any sport. When he started making his move Sunday, my phone blew up. Twitter blew up. The sports world stopped to see what would happen. 

Not a single person outside the Koepka family (and those alleged Tiger haters) was rooting for anyone but Tiger, including me. The energy down the stretch was palpable. For a moment, I had hope that my tongue-in-cheek prediction was about to come crashing down. 

Instead, as good as Tiger was, the winner was better. But Tiger brings ratings. Page views. Interest. So every story is about Tiger, including this one. Sorry, Brooks, but Tiger brings in people who don't watch golf. 

The greatest ever?

Woods, by his own standard, remains well short of Jack Nicklaus' record for majors (18 to 14). He will be 43 next year, presumably healthy, and if his injuries hold off could have 3-4 more years of competitive play. I am no longer willing to joke that he won't win another. Four, though, seems highly unlikely. 

But judging the greatest needs to come at the end of a career, and Tiger is not there yet. He still has a shot to take that title. 

One thing he definitly is -- the most relevant golfer to ever play the game. When he is in contention, the world watches. He became a star -- and a fallen one -- during the social media age. We love to see excellence, then revel in failure, but love it even more when someone rises again. Tiger has been the perfect example of that, which is why we all watch. It's why we all tuned in Sunday, and will do it again if he is in the hunt for any majors next year. 

Would I have tuned in if it was Koepka and Adam Scott dueling down the stretch? Nope. I have Netflix. It may have been amazing to watch, but to quote Pulp Fiction, "Sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie but I will never know since I wouldn't eat the ------."

But with Tiger? Absolutely. Count me in. Koepka may have the trophy, but Woods beings the viewers. And if he keeps playing like this, he always will. And maybe that prediction of mine will come crashing down.

I really hope it does. 

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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