Burger King, Overwatch and ghosts

Burger King, Overwatch and ghosts

Born with a comic book in one hand and a remote control in the other, Cory DLG is the talent of Conroe's very own Nerd Thug Radio, Sports and Wrestling. Check out the podcast replay of the FM radio show at!

Hey Nerds!

So now that we owned that Monday, let's get out there and do some good work today, it's Tuesday and here's where we make this week our bitch, right?


Somebody famous once said you judge a society not by it's greatness but in how it treats its prisoners and people in need. I think I paraphrased the saying but it's an important theme to live by and it's one of the reasons I emphasize helping others, including this week focusing on The Arc of Greater Houston. They work with people with disabilities and families of people with disabilities and are asking for volunteers for a children's fun center at the Bayou City Arts Festival. The Arts Festival helps various non profits and funds some local artists as well, so it's a win-win, right?


A little known fact about me, I'm a sucker for a good grilled chicken sandwich. So everytime one of the fast food chains debuts a new sandwich, or retools one of them, I'm interested. That being said, I got out to Burger King to try their new and improved Grilled Chicken Sandwich, a #13 locally. They're using a new honey mustard and keeping it simply overall, tomato and lettuce and that's it. Now me personally, I've always preferred a honey mustard to a mayo on a chicken sandwich, apparently America is divided on the issue as most restaurants do literally one or the other. This sandwich is actually pretty solid over all, no real complaints, I think keeping it simple and just putting a few ingredients on it makes it all about the sauce and fortunately for them this new Honey Mustard is pretty legit. Overall four out of four rumbly tumblies.


So yesterday was fairly full so I didn't get a chance to get into this, but The Overwatch League stage 1 playoffs concluded Sunday afternoon and it was an awesome nail biter. So the Vancouver Titans were the #1 seed coming into the this $500,000 tournament after 7 games in stage 1, and the San Francisco Shock were the #6 seed. In the opening round of the playoffs on Thursday night in the first game of the whole thing, the #2 seed New York Excelsior lost, they were most experts pick to win the whole thing so this was a pretty big deal. Eventually the expansion team Vancouver Titans were in the finals against the San Francisco Shock and the Shock was up early in the match. The matches are played like tennis with a series of games consisting of one point, and the first to win four games wins. The finals were literally a $100,000 match with winner getting $200,000 and second place taking home $100,000, which is some high stakes gaming. The Titans were down 3-2, brought it back to 3-3 and then in the final game the Titans had to rally from 3-2 to win the final game and in turn the match.

Lots of people may not realize the level of excitement that they're producing with these televised matches, but there's great commentary explaining the action as it happens, there's tons of strategy involved and both of these teams have an interesting story. The Vancouver team was actually a minor league team last season and when the expansion occurred most of the roster was brought over as a whole with the same core of players having played together since 2016. While the San Francisco Shock went a different route, they drafted young in the first year of the league last year and two of their players weren't eligible to play right away until they met the league minimum age of 18. The Shock purposefully went young and developed their team and it's been a process but it worked for them this weekend. These kids are making a salary, plus housing, medical, 401k and the cash bonuses from all-star appearances and playoff performances, it's good to game these days. The league comes back for Stage 2 April 4th on Twitch, Disney XD, ESPN, ABC and


I have a confession to make, I'm obsessed with terrible paranormal shows. Everything from Haunted Hospitals to Haunted Case FIles, if it's poorly re-enacted and heavily edited I need to watch it. I already love ghost stories, I grew up in a haunted house and believe in ghosts and certain elements of the paranormal stuff, but they always take these stories up a notch that make it, just a little too hard to believe and I love it. On Saturday, I have the Travel Channel on and I can't turn off Ghost Adventures all day, just can't do it. The other thing I have to watch non-stop is Law & Order, the original, not any of the extra ones, I can watch the original one all day, I don't care if it's one from 1992 or 2006, I'm in. Is anyone else this addicted to only moderately ok television?


A buddy of mine texted me this weekend and goes, "Cory, I have a crazy story for you." Which is honestly how all of my favorite conversations begin, he was getting an estimate on some work on his house and the guy who came out there handed him a card and wrote the name Admiral Dawg on the back of it and said, "check me out on spotify and I'll leave it at that." They then got to talking and the guy said he'd recently had an existential crisis that he got out by writing a country music album. Now it turns out Admiral Dawg is a nerdcore rapper choosing to focus on weed, booze and video games and honestly, it isn't bad. If you got spotify and a few minutes give it a listen, I've heard A LOT WORSE.

I'm going to jump out and wish you guys a great Tuesday and remind everyone to be kind to each other and try a little harder to have a great day! I'm coming back tomorrow and we'll be bringing more good times your way. Feel free to check out my digital short story The Wilson House, or buy a shirt from Side Hustle Ts where every shirt is now under $20 or listen to Nerd Thug Radio. Thoughts, complaints, events and comments can be sent to

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Hunter Brown is a big reason the Astros have turned their season around. Photo by Ed Zurga/Getty Images.

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