Championship weekend gambling guide: Georgia on my mind

Championship weekend gambling guide: Georgia on my mind
Look for a big effort from Georgia this weekend.

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Everyone knows Auburn is very good. Their recent run of success is the most impressive in college football this year. Without a doubt they are one of the best teams in the country.

However, the situational spot for Georgia sets up perfectly from a betting perspective in four different ways.

  1. Georgia got humiliated a few weeks ago at Auburn 40-17. Georgia looked confused on offense and never established the run. Auburn forced them to pass and it was gross. Gus Malzahn was caught on tape saying Auburn “beat the dawg s*it out of them.” Georgia heard. Georgia remembers.
  2. The recent success of Auburn has taken a toll on Auburn’s backfield. They have played two different No. 1 teams in the country in the last three weeks. The Auburn kids are in for a letdown- and their health, especially Kerryon Johnson -- will play a factor. He could barely stand up straight last week at the end of the game. You could make the argument that Auburn does not have a running back at 100%. The running backs are key in Malzahn’s offense. If they are still banged up, it will mean trouble for Auburn.
  3. Guz Malzahn could leave Auburn for Arkansas. Don’t laugh. Malzahn has deep ties to Northern Arkansas where he was a high school football coach and his wife loves it there. Arkansas is home to Malzahn and some people think he is tired of the politics at Auburn. Malzahn always seems to be on the hot seat at Auburn and rumors of him coaching for his job surface every year. He could return home to Arkansas and coach for 20 years. Regardless of if he leaves or not, Arkansas is a distraction.
  4. Just a few weeks ago Georgia was a favorite playing in Auburn. Fast forward three weeks and they are underdogs? Georgia is healthier, has revenge, and fewer distractions. The line is begging you to take Auburn.

I am playing Georgia three different ways. First half. Full game. Money line. I also have them tied up in several different parlays. This is my largest play of the year.

No one is talking about Georgia right now, but they will after this week.

Good luck on your wagers this weekend.

Direct all hate mail to @jayoff288 I will be on Twitter all weekend.

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