5 high-octane questions for NASCAR prospect Daniel Dye

5 high-octane questions for NASCAR prospect Daniel Dye
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I was lucky enough to get to talk to ARCA upstart, Daniel Dye about his big win last weekend at Berlin Raceway in Maine. It was awesome to get to talk to him, and he provided a lot of great insight about the victory and what his plans are for the future. This young man has a lot of talent and can truly be a force to be reckoned with in the next few years.

SportsMap: I am joined here today by the driver of the #21 GMS Chevy, Mr. Daniel Dye. Daniel, How are you doing today?

Daniel Dye: Doing great man!

SM: So first and foremost, a big win for you guys this weekend at Berlin. That had to have felt good to dominate the way you guys did?

DD: Yeah, it was a great day for sure. Second in practice there right off the bat and to get the pole and set the track record for ARCA at Berlin was really cool. It was amazing to go out there and lead every lap and my Crew-Chief Chad Bryant put together a great car and made it really easy for me.

SM: Chad has been a fixture around the ARCA series for quite some time. He's got to be a big help in your progression, I would imagine.

DD: Yeah, for sure. This was actually only my third race with him, but he's been a big help in trying to get me in a more professional environment, and I got five more opportunities to get him some more wins.

SM: It had to have been a great feeling when you went out and beat the two guys in the series in with Ty Gibbs and Corey Heim.

DD: I think that's what made it so special. That Joe Gibbs short-track program has almost been untouchable, so to go out there and beat him was awesome. We had a great battle there in the end, so to beat that #18 car at a short-track is pretty cool.

SM: Let's talk a little bit about what you have planned for the future. Where do you see yourself racing next season?

DD: I would love to get a deal together to run the full ARCA series next season and get to run on the big tracks like Daytona or Talladega. But hopefully we can keep climbing the latter and get to the cup series one day.

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