A different take on the Kareem Hunt situation

A different take on the Kareem Hunt situation
Kareem Hunt will no longer be a Chief. Jamie Squire/Getty Images

I am a victim of rape. I have a family member who is a victim of domestic violence. I also have a very close friend who was kicked out of the NFL and his name forever shamed for being accused of beating his girlfriend. With that being said…

This has been a touchy subject and I always try to remain open minded. 

There are two sides to every story; however, when a video is leaked for the public to see, it makes people feel a certain way. When we hear accusations of domestic violence, our first reaction is to be disgusted. Then we give ourselves a moment to relax and listen to the alleged offender. For example, Reuben Foster. In the earlier incident this year, we had to give him the benefit of the doubt because the case was thrown out and we had no solid proof. 

The video release of Kareem Hunt will not need a second story. Am I taking the woman’s side? Not exactly. If it IS true and she did use racial slurs, I judge her as I would anyone who does that. A disgusting human, racism will NEVER be tolerated in my eyes. We all witnessed her slap Hunt in the face. She is out of line and obviously started the incident. BUT. Watching Hunt not only shove her, but kick her while she was on the ground makes him the (excuse my language) POS. He could have easily walked away, called security. Why? Because unless a man TRULY fears for his life, it is NEVER acceptable to put your hands on a woman. EVER. 

Let me jump to the other side here for a moment. Some women are bullies. They know a man’s hot spot (and I don’t mean the good one). These women like to “poke the bear.” In my friend’s case, he told her multiple times “please leave.” She instead insisted on harassing him, throwing things at his face, adding fuel to the fire. Is it still OK to touch her? NO. I just wanted to give light to the other picture. The picture we’re not supposed to see.  

For anyone who sides with Kareem Hunt, Reuben Foster, Ray Rice… The list goes on… I ask you to do me one favor. Open your mind. Put yourself in the position the woman was in. Do you know what it’s like to feel scared for your life? To be in a room or a car with someone who has full power over you? Personally, it takes a lot to put fear inside of me but I have been there. I have even been there, surrounded by his family and friends while they stood there and did nothing to help me. And I can tell you, it is an awful feeling to know that you can’t grab your phone or ask anyone for help. To know that you have to be silent or apologize repeatedly for something you didn’t even do. Because at any second, your life can end. If not end, an ass beating from hell may as well make you feel like dying. 

One last side, the NFL’s side. Shame on them for only “handling” the matter when it was exposed. For giving fans the notion that it is OK unless you are caught. This league only cares about money. Kareem Hunt is a special player. His talent is immaculate and exciting to watch. His TALENT brings in ratings and sells jerseys. Unfortunately, this will not change. This is a money-influenced world. Do we ban the sport? No. Do we stop buying sports gear? No. We just hope that the players in those locker rooms influence their teammates in positive ways. We hope that men learn to walk away, be grateful for the opportunity to do what they love and play the sport they worked their entire lives to play at this level. 


Being a part of the sports media, I will always remain open minded and view every assault/abuse case fairly. I will always listen to both sides. However, I will NEVER side with video footage showing any form of abuse towards a woman.

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