Dishing on "Dirt", Overwatch playoffs and Star Wars

Dishing on "Dirt", Overwatch playoffs and Star Wars

Born with a comic book in one hand and a remote control in the other, Cory DLG is the talent of Conroe's very own Nerd Thug Radio, Sports and Wrestling. Check out the podcast replay of the FM radio show at!

Hey Nerds!

This is day two of the greatest Nerd blog in Houston, and honestly I'm hoping the only Nerd Blog in Houston. Here we go!


Continuing March's trend of helping the kids, today we head over to Houston's Children Charity who is getting ready for Easter by collecting money all March long. Every $10 donated builds a basket for another kiddo and they're trying to put together enough baskets for 350 kids. That being said, ten "nerd" points to whomever can explain how we start at Jesus and end up with a bunny hiding eggs for Easter. Seriously, e-mail me and explain how the heck that happens.


Right now Papa Johns Pizza is running a special, any specialty pizza for $12.99. They recently added several new specialty pizzas to their line up including a Killen's BBQ Brisket Pizza so I was curious. Now typically the franchises introduces one or two specialties at a time being a long time employee of one particular company I can tell you that it's odd to see so many released at once, but maybe this is the new model. I have heard that home dinner delivery is undergoing a massive transformation and the old companies are having a hard time adjusting to the invasion of the Waitr, Door Dash, GrubHub's of the world. However most of these new specialties Papa Johns brought back are actually old ones that they usually rotate in for limited times each. I had the meatball pizza last night and honestly, it's great, the meat is good quality and they go heavy on the cheese to keep with the "Italian" theme of it. I found it a little annoying that the Killen's BBQ pizza wasn't included in the specialty pizza pricing, but that's a complaint for another day. Two out of four rumbly tumblies.


So for our Netflix junkies in the crowd, this weekend Netflix's contribution to the fabric of the pop culture tapestry that is our lives, is The Dirt, a 60 minute Motley Crue bio-pic. I'm not really sure how or why you make a movie about this band and make it only 60 minutes, I feel like there has to be tons of stuff that is either not in this movie or so glossed over or so poorly told that at this point it's worthless. Why tell the abbreviated version of this particular story, let's be honest, the story of Motley Crue is one of sex, drugs and rock and roll moved to a high gear. Turns out though, upon a little bit of research that this movie is made with their involvement, so expect to see the most dishonest biopic in recent history. You have to think you could make a two hour movie just between Vince Neil's DUI/Manslaughter and 18 days in jail (say what?!), Nikki Sixx's overdose and two minutes of death, the various lawsuits including one man who claimed to have been Sixx's doppelganger while Sixx was recovering from an undisclosed car accident, and oh yeah, Tommy Lee's *AHEM* escapades. Instead of doing all of that correctly and twenty plus years of music Netflix is about to make a 60 minute, band friendly bio-pic staring Machine Gun Kelly… hard pass.


If you'd rather see something cool and probably new for you instead of a rehash of why four old guys aren't making Rock and Roll music anymore then The Overwatch League is here to help. We're early still in the second season of The Overwatch League, regularly referred to as OWL by people in the know, in what is the first of four sets of playoffs. The league is scheduled in four sets of play called stages and at the end of each stage there is a tournament for $500,000 building up to the final playoffs that ends in a playoff determining the Champion. The stage play counts towards your standings, the stage playoffs are for the money, got it? This year added 8 expansion teams to the league (with their owners reportedly paying roughly $20 million dollars each to join the league) and increased the total prize money this year to $5 million dollars and over the course of this weekend starting tonight at 8pm is the Stage 1 playoffs. Eight teams have qualified for this tournament and it kicks off with the seventh seeded Seoul Dynasty playing the second seed, New York Excelsior and at 10pm the top seeded Vancouver Titans play the 8th seeded Boston Uprising. The matches are fast paced, the announcing is talented and keeps you informed and involved and the excitement is real. You can catch it on, the overwatch league website, or the ESPN app.


So one reason I really wanted this blog on Sportsmap and begged and pleaded with the powers that be is I fully believe in being the change you want to see in the world. I create the content I think people like me are looking for so that people like me can enjoy it, which leads me to this, Kickstarter. Kickstarter is one of my favorite websites because it gives you a chance to put the things you enjoy into existence, so this is something I'm going to regularly point people towards to help the projects I hope get made but also to give people opportunities to find more things they enjoy and help them get made too. For those who don't know how Kickstarter works, people put together comics books, movies, toys, games and inventions and other things and then they post them here and try to get people to help them crowdfund them, if it succeeds they get made and if it fails then the donors don't lose their money, it's a win-win. Check out my pick, Tuskers which is a graphic novel about a herd of orphaned elephants, the people who protect them and the poachers who want their ivory.


So if yesterday's Smash Bros Tourney or Tacopalooza wasn't intriguing enough, there's always Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope being played at Jones Hall with the Houston Symphony playing the complete score live in person. I always like these things and for $29 bucks that isn't too bad, plus taking a lady makes her think you're sophisticated cause there's a symphony, but if you're going for drinks later and there's crowds of people yelling at TVs, don't be alarmed it's March Madness and there will be people cheering for colleges that you're not sure are even real.

So all of this being said, I'm going to jump out and wish you guys a great Thursday and remind everyone to be kind to each other and try a little harder to have a great day! I'm coming back tomorrow and we'll be bringing more good times your way. Feel free to check out my digital short story The Wilson House, or buy a shirt from Side Hustle Ts where every shirt is under $20, check out Nerd Thug Radio. Thoughts, complaints, events and comments can be sent to

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Hunter Brown is a big reason the Astros have turned their season around. Photo by Ed Zurga/Getty Images.

Astros manager Joe Espada threw around the word “Ace” when talking about Hunter Brown after his start against the A's.

Do you believe Brown is ready to be in that conversation?

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Paul Gallant and Joe George share their thoughts on Brown and the Astros rotation.

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