FBCA's Strickland is becoming national recruit

FBCA's Strickland is becoming national recruit

Remington Strickland of FBCA

Originally Appeared on VYPE

If you can play, college coaches will find you.

It doesn't hurt if you are 6-foot-4, 300-pounds either.

Remington Strickland was offered in the ninth grade when he was at Logos Prep.

"I was definitely shocked when I was offered by Texas State in the ninth grade," he said. "I'll never forget it. I didn't know they you could get offered as a freshman. It really opened our eyes to the recruiting process."

The junior moved to anchor Fort Bend Christian Academy's offensive line a year ago, and is now under the tutelage of coach Jordan Black, the Eagles' first-year head coach and long-time NFL vet.

"The culture is so different here with coach Black," he said. "He is showing me things about the game that I would have never learned had he not been my coach. The offseason we went through has made me so much stronger and more athletic."

The two-year starter at FBCA has yet to give up a sack on his side of the ball, ever. Scary thing is that he's just learning the position.

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