A fun look at the opening weekend NFL action

A fun look at the opening weekend NFL action
The champs are 1-0. Is your team? Eagles.com

Week 1 is in the books guys (well, not Monday night, but that's on them). To everyone who is now 1-0, CONGRATS! Welcome to the winner's circle. There's this thing I like to call Victory Monday. Some of us make it, others barely experience the glorious feeling of calling in to work just because you're a freaking WINNER. (Not that myself or any fellow Eagles fans that I know do this). How did I grade your team this week? Check out these select games:


How does it feel to be 0-1? I wouldn't know because the Eagles officially own the Falcons of Atlanta. I think it's time Atlanta changes their team slogan... It's a bit cliche these days since they can't seem to "rise up" when needed.


How does $74 mil look? Looks like interceptions and incomplete passes. 1 TD doesn't look good when it sits next to 3 interceptions. What did we learn today guys? Porn stars and fake boobs lie, they don't guarantee wins.


Let's take a moment to appreciate Blake Bortles and the accuracy between him and his favorite target, the ground. Bortles completed 7 of 9 passes to only god knows who. Thankfully defenses win games and Jacksonville has some damn good D.


This is the game that never ends... The worst part about it all? Besides Conner's hair? Neither team could finish. How do you end Week 1 in a tie?! This game was a dragged out, sloppy mess.


Lets all give it up for OBrien going back to his basic b- play calling. How many seasons in a row now is it that the Texans actually almost had a shot at beating Brady but fell short because of awful play calling and time management? I'd hate to be a Houston fan.


Did anyone really watch this? @ me if you did.


Let's just agree that the lightning storm was more exciting than this game.


Want to see a magic show? The Saints defense disappeared again. Congrats New Orleans, you managed to make Fitzpatrick an automatic MVP candidate earning YOU my garbage team of the week. Take it back to the film room boys.

For more of my NFL recaps, gambling or just fun smack talk you can check out my website at holly.football and follow my on Twitter @xoholly.

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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