COOL down the summer

while still getting your workout on!

while still getting your workout on!

It's the end of May. In Houston. You know, cool spring breezes, pleasant patio weather. Just kidding, we ALL know better in Houston! So what activities can we do in the summer to stay fit and healthy, even though it's so humid?

For starters, trampoline parks! That hits the quads and glutes like nothing you can imagine! How about rock climbing? Rock climbing is a great way to plan your summer fitness routine. "Ascending a cliff, boulder, or even an indoor rock wall requires a large amount of physical strength and endurance," says Huffington Post.Climbing for one hour burns up to 700 calories and also works your brain since it requires the use of problem-solving skills and body awareness. Climbers who completely lose themselves in their climb enter a mindset that can create a sense of euphoria and block pain, so you can be happy and stress-free while you get fit and take advantage of the spring and summer seasons.

There's always indoor swimming too—certainly a full body workout. And the evenings when your friends come in town to visit? How about a night of about cardio!

Jazzercise describes itself as "a high-intensity dance party that fuses cardio, strength, Pilates, hip hop, yoga, and kickboxing." You can burn up to 800 calories in one 60-minute class! Since Jazzercise offers a variety of classes to challenge you, it's sure to maintain your interest for summer fitness. In fact, they've been around as a popular exercise program for more than 45 years. Don't worry – you won't necessarily be dancing to 80s music. Jazzercise has made it part of their mission to continuously evolve their music, moves, classes, and methods.

All this to say, there's many ways we can be creative in our hot, humid, Houston summers to be sure we get our workouts in. Just make sure to stay hydrated, even when you're working out inside.

It's easy to eat healthy in the summer too. So many fruits are in season. Mangoes, strawberries, watermelon, peaches and cherries. They say fresh food is the best medicine. So many vitamins inside, without having to swing by a GNC. Let's turn a negative (sweltering hot, humid weather) in a positive (hitting different muscle groups trying new activities). You know, turn our lemons into some cold, sweet lemonade!

So keep your health up in the summer. It's hot, I know. But let's not wreck all our spring progress! Keep your heart rate up doing different exciting activities. We can do it! Thanks to fitness inspiration Sabrina Tour.

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Hunter Brown is a big reason the Astros have turned their season around. Photo by Ed Zurga/Getty Images.

Astros manager Joe Espada threw around the word “Ace” when talking about Hunter Brown after his start against the A's.

Do you believe Brown is ready to be in that conversation?

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Paul Gallant and Joe George share their thoughts on Brown and the Astros rotation.

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