Quentin Grimes officially signing with Houston

Quentin Grimes officially signing with Houston
Photo via: Vype

This article originally appeared on Vype.

Quentin Grimes is officially back home.

The former College Park star signed with Houston on Friday, which was formally announced by the university the same day. Grimes played his freshman season at Kansas.

Grimes will have to sit out the 2019-2020 season due to NCAA Transfer rules but will have three years of eligibility remaining once he starts playing games again as a redshirt sophomore for the 2020-2021 season.

"One of the things I have always liked about Quentin is his basketball IQ and his ability to make plays. Everyone knows he can score, but one of his biggest strengths is being a playmaker," University of Houston coach Kelvin Sampson said in a release. "Quentin is pretty good at a lot of things but what he does really well is think the game. That's how he is going to help us. I am excited to welcome Quentin and his family to Houston Basketball."

Continue on Vype to read Grimes' comments on Kelvin Sampson.

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