Holly Seymour: Have a problem with NFL players and the National Anthem? Look in the mirror

Holly Seymour: Have a problem with NFL players and the National Anthem? Look in the mirror
People should look at the good NFL players do before judging them. Jonathan Ferrey/Getty Images

The concern with the controversy surrounding the NFL and its anthem “protest” is going nowhere. Now, re read that first line. Because the controversy isn’t the “protest.” In fact, it’s not the anthem or the players either.

The controversy is within you. Let me further elaborate on this before you stop reading.

Malcolm Jenkins recently sat down with Lester Holt of NBC to discuss everyday issues in America. He gives an example stating how the players and we, the viewers, allow so many different causes to be acknowledged peacefully throughout the season. Military appreciation, breast cancer awareness, domestic violence are just naming a few.

All of these topics are sensitive and can be perceived from different views. So how is it that having an opinion on human rights is any different? If you have an issue on either side of this “protest,” maybe you should take the time to research instead of resulting to hate so easily.

In fact, these same players that people get offended by are the same guys that you see being active members of your very own community. Chris Long gave his ENTIRE 2017 season paycheck to charity, DeShaun Watson donated his holiday pay to workers inside of NRG, Patrick Peterson created the “Foundation of Success” to help provide resources and materials to low income and inner city youth, and as much as no one likes the Cowboys, they work year round with charities throughout the city of Dallas. I can go on for hours telling you about the acts of kindness and time these players give back to try to make a difference in this country.

Let me guess, some of you are rolling your eyes and thinking, “They make millions, it’s the least they can do.” You are probably the same morons that actually believe boycotting the most popular sport in America will change anything. And if this is you, YOU are the controversy. YOU are the problem.  

I’m the first one to tell say, “I’m just ready for some football. Screw the politics.” However, all jokes aside, I feel it is important that we see beyond just the game of football. I’ll admit, when this story first broke two years ago, it took me a minute to educate myself.

I suggest you take a moment to do the same.   


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