How 4 key factors could change how you measure success for Texans against Patriots

Houston Texans CJ Stroud
CJ Stroud will start at QB for Houston. Photo by Alex Bierens de Haan/Getty Images.

We have Texans football back! Rejoice people! The wait is over! Some have said this must be what it feels like waking up after hibernating and a nice meal is waiting on you. Preseason football is better than no football. It's also a welcomed sight when the team you follow has been down a while and is finally trending upward. New coach & coaching staff, two high first round picks, and a slew of other new faces. There's a reason for hope and renewed optimism.

When he was drafted at number two overall, most thought it was a forgone conclusion C.J. Stroud would be the Texans' day one starter. When the coaches met with the media after the draft and before mini camps, it was said there will be a quarterback competition. Davis Mills truthers held onto hope he could retain his position in the driver's seat. He hasn't. Those that have been at practices have said they see why Stroud was named the starter and why Mills wasn't.

My sincere condolences to my buddy Dune and all the other Mills truthers out there. I know it must be a difficult time for you all. The rest of the Texans' fan base is over the moon! The next thing they're looking forward to is the REAL announcement that Stroud will be the week one starter. THAT will be the day this franchise can finally turn another page!

Speaking of that first preseason game, I'm looking forward to seeing a few things when they square off against the Patriots:

Speed and Quickness: I'm looking forward to seeing how quickly C.J. gets the ball out of his hand and makes decisions. I want to see how fellow first rounder (number three overall pick) Will Anderson Jr gets off after the snap. I want to see how fast Derek Stingley Jr recovers, flips his hips, and runs with a receiver down the field and running routes. I want to see how quickly the plays get called in on both sides of the ball. Pace of play tells you a lot. I want to see these guys play fast and give other teams fits.

Health: Your best ability is availability. Not sure who gets the credit for that statement, but it's true. I want to see guys get some work in, but come out healthy. Especially when it comes to the guys that'll actually play, that the team is counting on for this season. There's a CVS receipt long list of guys sitting this one out. I hope they don't pull anything, clapping or drinking water on the sidelines.

Dawgs: Who's got that dawg in 'em? Who's one, or more, of those guys that jumps out at you when watching the game? Every year on every team, there are guys that were afterthoughts that end up playing their way onto a team's roster. Whether it's standing out on special teams, making a play to help turn the game around, or making a highlight reel play, these guys may have been numbers 54-90 during camp, but they'll force their way onto the final 53.

Compete: Win or lose, competing is a non-negotiable. You don't have to have that dawg in you, but at least compete. Show everyone why you're one of the few people on this planet that are worthy of wearing that helmet and uniform. Business decisions will be made because it's preseason. However, the majority of guys playing need to prove themselves. It could be to the team he's currently playing for, or another team. Show up and show out. You never know who's watching.

We're entering an exciting time for the Texans. Things are looking up. Now we're a few steps closer to real games that matter. Coming into 2023, there hasn't been this level of excitement since the season when nasty man signed his extension right before we all found out he was an alleged perv. The team was headed in the right direction and optimism abounded. I know it seems so long ago, but better times are ahead. Better yet, they're here.

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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