How Easterby's influence has ruined Texans' hiring process and the organization

Texans Jack Easterby, Nick Caserio, Deshaun Watson
Jack Easterby has destroyed the Texans. Composite image by Jack Brame

Deshaun Watson is highly upset. Hardcore fans are hitting eject on their teams' hopes. Other teams and fanbases are laughing loudly at what a mess this organization has become. Coaching candidates aren't even interested in coming here to the point of refusing to interview! This team reminds me of the GIF of the dumpster on fire floating down a flooded street. There are a few people who can be blamed for this, but one in particular.

Jack Easterby is the Geppetto to Cal McNair's Pinocchio. This is why there's such a cluster-bleep on Kirby. Easterby has influenced every major decision this organization has made since he was hired. Yet, he's been able to keep his job despite the firings of others. His influence on the McNairs, Cal in particular, has been the undoing of this franchise. He's clearly the source of the black cloud over this franchise, but why is he still allowed to do so?

Easterby has a Pied Piper effect on the brass on Kirby. When you hire a search firm and pay them hundreds of thousands of dollars to help you find your next general manager, only to seemingly ignore them, what other explanation is there? When your franchise quarterback comes out and says he's not happy because it seems as if you promised him something you failed to deliver on, there can only be one explanation and one person at the root of it. When qualified candidates for jobs you have an opening for don't want to interview, there's something that doesn't pass the smell test.

Most organizations that find themselves taken over and ruined by a Bill O'Brien find their way out of such a hellhole, at least to a certain extent. They'll go in a different direction philosophically in an attempt to right the ship. The Texans have seemingly decided to remain on course for disaster by doubling down on stupidity and mediocrity. All the Bob LaMonte client buddy system talk has taken on a new meaning. There are too many dots that connect and too many strings attached that point to this as a viable answer to what's going on. If Brian Daboll is the next head coach here, no one should be surprised as he's another branch on the LaMonte tree which is a part of Easterby's web of chaos ladder to the top of an NFL franchise.

Although the Watson trade rumors may be a tough pill to swallow for most fans/supporters of the team, it may be a blessing in disguise. What if they're able to flip Watson into a package of draft picks that can help reset this franchise's fortunes? What if Nick Caserio is able to turn this around despite Easterby's interference? The head coach hire and what becomes of Watson will speak volumes. I can't help but keep Easterby in mind when thinking of what becomes of this team in the near future because of what he's done so far in the present. I'm ready for a change in this organization. If it takes sacrificing one of the best players that's ever played for them to spur a change, so be it. So long as the one pulling the trigger knows what they're doing, I'd be okay with it. Faith is believing in the unseen/unknown. It's a strong feeling. Only those who are in complete belief can have faith. Ask yourselves: do you as a fan/supporter of the Texans have faith that they'll do what's necessary to bring a true contender to this organization?

Editor's note: Texans legend Andre Johnson seems to agree with this assessment. Check out the tweet he posted on Tuesday.

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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