Nerds Around Town: Adrian Peterson is broke, a cool indy comic and Cowboys news

Nerds Around Town: Adrian Peterson is broke, a cool indy comic and Cowboys news

Born with a comic book in one hand and a remote control in the other, Cory DLG is the talent of Conroe's very own Nerd Thug Radio and Sports. Check out the podcast replay of the FM radio show at!

Hey Nerds!

What's up Wednesday! We're halfway through another week and we can do this. Let's conquer this week and the last of this month. Let's run through and conquer July.


Make sure to help support The Adventure Begins as they participate in The Longest Day fundraiser, they will have tournaments and games all day in support against Alzheimer's. There are all kinds of things to get involved and ways to help, check out their website for more details.


So as I've dived into the world of Independent comics I've noticed some great projects that people should be reading, and this is another one. Frontera. A sci-fi, western kind of feel with some cool story telling elements, things like a call in cable show and great color and art make this is a an easy buy. Written by AJ Kinkade and drawn by Myk Emmshin, this is a dynamic project well worth checking out. There is a wolf clan who has taken in a young woman and taught her their ways and honestly she looks pretty awesome so maybe learning their ways isn't a such a bad thing and then there's a conman hero type in the vein of Starlord who is just as charming and funny as the arch type. This is a great project to check out and the colors by Eve Orozco and Letters by Erek Foster are great and it's obvious the editor Laurie Foster had a clear focus for this project. Worth a read this weekend, trust me.


Just yesterday, news was released that the young boxer Maxim Dadashev has died from the injuries he sustained boxing on Friday night in a fight that was aired on the ESPN+ app. This man was killed in the ring essentially and many people paid to watch it. Clips of the manager begging to throw in the towel between rounds were aired extensively today, as the manager then tells the Ring Doctor they want to end the fight. After the match Maxim needs help leaving the ring, he then vomits back stage, they rush him to a hospital and after surgery to try and save him, he passes yesterday. This is an absolute tragedy in a two man sport, it doesn't even make sense that it's possible. What was the Ring Doctor checking between rounds? What was the ref watching during the match? What were his corner people looking at between rounds? There's a lot of questions there to be asked and a lot of people who were supposed to be protecting this man during this fight that all let him down. People aren't supposed to die in the boxing ring.


And after having discussed this on my sports show before, it's being confirmed, Adrian Peterson, greatest running back still playing, is broke. It looks like he's about $3 million dollars in debt while also in court disputing another $6.6 million in unpaid loans, fees and legal fees. It seems like he's been using bridge loans to cover gaps in pay and now he's behind so far that it's come to this. It looks like it's another case of bad advice, poor investments and awful family members which has turned about $100 million dollars of income just from NFL contracts into debt, lots of debt. He's scheduled to earn roughly $3 million dollars this season. If he manages to play another two seasons, he basically can retire broke? Here's hoping someone takes this guy under their wing and shows him a few things before he winds up on the A-Rod financial rehab show in about four years.


Two weird roster announcements this week from the NFL. Mark Sanchez retired and Allen Hurns got cut from Dallas. Sanchez retiring is odd because well, I kind of forgot he was still in the league. I think he got out there and played one half (?) for Washington last year and got hurt himself, or maybe I'm thinking of Colt McCoy and Sanchez played for him in relief? I honestly have no clue. Because I didn't realize Colt was playing either. Also, how did Hurns take up $5 million dollars of cap space for Dallas? They don't throw it and when they do they don't throw it to Hurns. Who gave him any money? These are the things that bother me….

Feel free to check out my brand new comic book Another Day at the Office or buy a shirt from Side Hustle Ts where some proceeds help people struggling with cancer or listen to Nerd Thug Radio. Thoughts, complaints, events and comments can be sent to

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Hunter Brown is a big reason the Astros have turned their season around. Photo by Ed Zurga/Getty Images.

Astros manager Joe Espada threw around the word “Ace” when talking about Hunter Brown after his start against the A's.

Do you believe Brown is ready to be in that conversation?

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Paul Gallant and Joe George share their thoughts on Brown and the Astros rotation.

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