The Price is Right

North Shore’s Joe Price serves in key role to getting athletes recruited

North Shore’s Joe Price serves in key role to getting athletes recruited
Price has a website dedicated to just North Shore recruiting. Via Vype

Originally Appeared on Vype

HOUSTON – At a moment's notice, Joe Price III is ready to get a college coach everything he needs.

Setting up a visit, a player's transcripts, test scores and whatever other info is requested about one of North Shore's football stars is accessible at his fingertips.

Price's phone has been busy, especially since North Shore won the Class 6A Division I State Championship and even more so since the NCAA Recruiting deed period ended on January 10.

"Obviously the night of the game I got a lot of congratulatory texts," Price, North Shore's recruiting coordinator, said. "Guys like Shadrach Banks were getting offers while the game was going on. Pretty much since the dead period ended the 2020 guys have been getting interest nonstop. We've had huge numbers coming through the school to see the kids."

The numbers are crazy.

On a particular day last week, Price counted 17 college football programs walk into the field house on the east side.

Three of the teams had played in the College Football Playoff this year and another was the Division III National Champion.

"If you were imagining a school that you want to have come to your place, they're coming through here right now," Price said. "Schools that haven't been through here in a while, schools that are trying to get a presence in Texas, a little bit of everybody."

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