Diamond Domination

Oak Ridge’s Chase Roberts is ready to dominate on and off the diamond

Oak Ridge’s Chase Roberts is ready to dominate on and off the diamond
Roberts plans to attend UT to play baseball. @chseroberts

Chase Roberts, a recent move-in at Oak Ridge high school, is beginning this year’s season and is ready to dominate.

Roberts moved to the Oak Ridge area this past fall, and has committed to further his baseball career at The University of Texas at Austin.

During the fall semester off season, head coach Mike Pirtle worked the team daily to prepare each athlete specifically for this current season.

“We went through a lot of adversity and we saw what our weaknesses were so that we could focus on those,” Roberts said.

This preparation geared up the War Eagle baseball team to face tough challenges and support each teammate in times of weakness.

There are many things to look forward to this season, especially the highly ranked competition that Oak Ridge will face during both district play and playoffs.

“I most look forward to our tournaments and just having fun with my teammates,” Roberts said.

“Hard work carries a long way and being a good teammate does as well. When you set a good attitude, people will follow,” he added.

It is quite evident that Roberts will carry this legacy onto the campus and baseball field at University of Texas. Roberts plans on studying in the McCombs School Of Business.

“I want to further my knowledge of business on a global standpoint and use my resources in the best way possible,” he said.

As the 17th-ranked business school in the country according to U.S. News, McCombs Business School at UT could helped Roberts on his path.

The time consuming life of a college athlete can sometimes become a barrier for academics, but Roberts in confident that he can handle the atmosphere.

“Scheduling out each day is absolutely important,” he said.

Having a prioritized schedule will allow him to take care of his athletics and academics while striving for success in each as well.

Chase Roberts has extreme talent and is an important addition to the baseball program at ORHS. He will be a roadblock for teams that face the War Eagles this year.

Claire Fesler is a student at Oak Ridge HS and a member of the VYPE U Ambassador Program. To learn more about how you can become a VYPE U Ambassador at your school, visit VYPEU.com


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