Problems in Pittsburgh? Steelers have issues on and off the field

Problems in Pittsburgh? Steelers have issues on and off the field
Antonio Brown is adding to the drama in Pittsburgh. Joe Sargent/Getty Images

The Pittsburgh Steelers have yet to win a game. Unfortunately, on top of taking L’s, they have even bigger issues. The locker room.

On Monday night, Antonio Brown responded to a tweet from a previous member of the Steelers organization. 

“AB needs to thank his lucky stars, because he was drafted by a team that had Ben. And Ben got AB paid. You know darn well he wouldn't put up those numbers for other teams.” -Ryan Scarpino.

AB’s response? “Trade me let’s find out.”

The result? AB doesn’t show up to work.

I’m not sure which I find worse… The fact that Antonio even responded to this, or the actual opinion Scarpino threw out there.

AB is the best receiver in the NFL. Big Ben may have made his job somewhat easier, but I can think of a handful of other offenses to throw Brown in and I am positive he will be more than capable to “put up those numbers.”

Let’s not forget that just two weeks ago several of the Steeler’s offensive line made sure the entire NFL fan base was aware of their thoughts on teammate LeVeon Bell. Let’s RE-READ that key word, TEAMMATE. Some remarks made were out of line. It’s almost as if these guys live for this ridiculous drama. Are we REALLY comparing salaries and playing tug of war with whose work ethic is better? 

No matter if you are Team Bell or Team Steeler… this entire scenario is uncalled for. These players need to grow up and show some professionalism. Being a sensitive Sally and reacting to every negative comment thrown your way on social media is ridiculous.

And has anyone seen Mike Tomlin? Is he off partying on yachts with LeVeon? If you’re not winning games… and you’re not able to check your players, why are you even on the payroll?   

The Steelers host Monday Night Football against Fitzmagic and his hyped up squad this week. Will this team be able to get it together by kick off, or will we continue to see the problems stack up for Pittsburgh?

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

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Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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