Raheel Ramzanali: Other celebrity 1-on-1 games we need to see

Raheel Ramzanali: Other celebrity 1-on-1 games we need to see
Ted Cruz-Jimmy Kimmel was just the start.

Now that we’ve finally seen the much anticipated Jimmy Kimmel vs Ted Cruz 1-on-1 matchup, I think it’s time we start planning for the next big game. I think we could turn these 1-on-1 games into a primetime series much like Car Karaoke or Lip Sync Battle. Could you imagine the excitement surrounding a weekly game between out of shape celebs? Well, I can. Here are a few of the matchups I’d like to see:

  • Shaq vs Barkley - Loser Leaves Town (Only if Shaq loses): Inside the NBA hasn’t been the same ever since Shaq joined the cast. I know they keep winning awards and everything, but Shaq just brings the entire show down with his inability to take a joke or criticism. The worst is when Shaq starts yelling at Charles about a point because Chuck never won a title. OK, we get it Shaq, you win titles and Chuck didn’t. Move on. This is why we need  a 1-on-1 game between the two and if Charles wins, Shaq has to leave. If Shaq wins, Charles gets to stay on and I’ll never complain about Shaq again.

  • Messi vs Ronaldo - How Great Are You Really?: I could have turned this thing into a Messi vs CR7 entry, but I didn’t because it’s almost as unbearable as MJ vs LeBron. That’s why we need to set up a 1-on-1 game between the two and figure out how they look on the basketball court. We’ll let the soccer guys argue the soccer merits, but here on these Sportsmap streets with me, we measure greatness mano y mano.

  • Kanye West vs Jay-Z - I Run The Game: Kanye West was on top of the music world heading into Saturday night with four top albums that he produced or was featured on. That all changed when Jay-z dropped an album with Beyonce and took all the shine away from his little brother. I think it’s time we check all egos with a 1-on-1 game between two of the biggest names in the business.

  • New Mike Bibby vs Old Mike Bibby - Swole Off: If you haven’t seen by now, Mike Bibby is YOKED up. This is next level body transformation. I know the angle of the picture is kinda throwing things off, but there is no denying that Bibby is yoked. I need a 1-on-1 game between this new yoked Bibby and his NBA Bibby. I know NBA Bibby will win this game,but I need to see how strong Yoked Bibby is in the post.

  • Original Aunt Vivian vs New Aunt Vivian - The REAL Aunt: Few things bothered 90’s kids than turning on the TV one day to realize that the original Aunt Vivian from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air was replaced. So, to finally settle the debate on the better Aunt Vivy, I think it’s time we had them play in a game of 1-on-1. This won’t answer why they made the change, but it will help us 90’s kids with some closure.


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Hunter Brown is a big reason the Astros have turned their season around. Photo by Ed Zurga/Getty Images.

Astros manager Joe Espada threw around the word “Ace” when talking about Hunter Brown after his start against the A's.

Do you believe Brown is ready to be in that conversation?

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Paul Gallant and Joe George share their thoughts on Brown and the Astros rotation.

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