Second Baptist School's Faseler has emerged as leader

Second Baptist School's Faseler has emerged as leader

Julie Faseler of Second Baptist School

Originally Appeared on VYPE

Julia Faseler has seen it all on the volleyball court.

The Second Baptist School senior has been digging volleyballs at an elite level since middle school. She has seen the speed and power of the Class 6A game when she played varsity at state-ranked Pearland Dawson.

The libero moved to Second Baptist School entering her junior season and hit the ground running.

"I really wanted to get to a Christian-based school where the bible is implemented in what we do on and off the court," she said. "It's been a great experience for me personally. I wouldn't change a thing.

"Coach (Sue) Berg has been amazing," she said. "She's one-of-a-kind and is a tremendous motivator. I love playing for her."

Now a senior, Faseler has taken the baton as a team leader for a young team.

"It's been so fun this season," she said. "I've made so many friends here and have grown really close on the court. I've also learned so much on how to effectively lead, which is a great life skill.

"I've played defense my entire career and I love libero so I can control what we are doing on the back row."

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