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Texans fans in full-on panic mode after just one loss

Houston Texans fan stays late after the Texans' loss to the Jacksonville Jaguars in 2013
Photo by Scott Halleran/Getty Images

The Houston Texans are now 9-4. They're also still in control of their own destiny as far as the AFC South is concerned. Yet, people are acting like things have gone down the shitter. There are three games left in the season! They still have a shot at the number two seed in the AFC! WHY THE HELL ARE FANS PANICKING?!?

I get it. Fans aren't happy with the 24-21 loss to hated division rival Colts. They aren't happy the nine game win streak is over. And they have every right to be pissed the team blew a chance at the number two seed in the AFC given that the Patriots wet the bed against the Dolphins.

But what are fans going to do about it? Cry? Sulk? Raise holy hell on Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? Snap Crap (John Granato voice)? No dammit! Pull yourselves up by your boot straps! Wipe the sissy tears from your eyes and remember that you've been through worse!

This is the same/similar fan base that has gone through the six years of purgatory without a team to call their own due to Bud Adams' greed. Remember, you had to sit back and watch as that team left town, relocated in Nashville, kept your team history, records, colors, eventually changed names, and watched that crotchety old man make a mockery of the whole situation, especially when they made it to Super Bowl.

You're better than this Houston! Remember when Tracy Mc Grady scored 13 points in 33 seconds against the hated Spurs? Remember when Hakeem Olajuwon led the Rockets to back to back title runs when Michael Jordan was retired? (Yeah Houston. I went there and said it like that. Sue me!) Remember when the Astros lost 100 plus games every season and missing the playoffs? Remember when the Rockets couldn't make the playoffs and were mired in mediocrity? Remember when the Dynamo were a flash in the pan and went back to relative anonymity?

This Texans team may have its flaws, but it's not without its lovable spots. Sure, Bill O'Brien may be an A hole of a coach and Deshaun Watson may be a brain fart away from losing a close game for this team, but there's more to be happy about.

When things looked bleak at 0-3, the Texans went on a nine game win streak that put them firmly in control of the division and a playoff berth. They take one loss and now some of you so-called "fans" are in full-blown panic mode! CALM DOWN! Remember what you've been through and the resiliency you've built up over the years!

You've endured the Bills debacle, no team for six years, David Carr, and Matt Schaub! This is like telling people without kids to become parent of the year nominees. You are totally forgetting who you are, what you have been through, and how tough it can be being a Texan fan. I find it funny that the same fans that say this is their team are the same ones that go into full-blown panic mode at the first hint of trouble. Relax guys. After all, you could be a Browns fan.

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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