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Texans organization and fans need to get it together!

Houston Texans Bill O'Brien
It's time for a change Kirby Drive. Houston Texans/Facebook

Saturday evening, the Texans were eliminated in spectacular fashion at home. What's that? You don't think a 21-7 loss at home to the division rival Colts after winning the AFC South constitutes as "spectacular fashion?" THAT is exactly what I'm talking about!

I get so sick and tired of the "well that was good enough" mentality from some fans. It makes me sick. The organization isn't any better. As a matter of fact, they tend to feed into the foolishness with making a big deal of the division title banners and Bill O'Brien's infamous line "we went 9-7 and won the AFC South two years in a row."

That's a mediocre, happy to be average, participation trophy, progression of the wussification of America type of mindset. If that's OK with you, so be it. But that should NOT be the mentality of this organization. The fact that they held on to guys like Gary Kubiak and Rick Smith as long as they did before making a change was a sign that they prefer the devil they know rather than the one they don't.

But enough of the history lesson. We all know what this organization has done in its past. It's time to focus on the future. More specifically, it's time to focus on this offseason, which is currently under way.

First up is help in the coaching ranks. O'Brien has proven that he can't handle being head coach, play caller, and overseer. He needs someone to take the load off and help develop Deshaun Watson, as well as call plays. I made my case for Adam Gase already.But if he gets a head coaching job, I'd prefer they get an offensive coordinator that maybe has head coaching experience, or is an up and comer with new ideas and/or philosophies, Defensive coordinator Romeo Crennel is an old and he should've been replaced a long time ago. Right now, there are several former defensive coordinators and former head coaches that can fill that void.

General manager Brian Gaine did a good job last year in the draft. Free agency was another deal. With a first rounder this year, as well as two seconds, he should be able to find help along the offensive line, corner, running back, and wide receiver. He's also going to have a good amount of cap room to spend. Now is the time to prove your worth and either find good value, or hit a homerun or two and find the right guys to fill some of those positions I previously listed.

A couple other key components to furthering the success and expectations of this team comes from the media and fans. Too often the media lets this team make it by not asking the tough questions or holding them accountable. This mainly comes from those that are quite friendly with those on Kirby. Gow Media hasn't been treated as friendly by that organization. Even if we were, it wouldn't change how most, if not all, of us would cover this team. If the fans started to show their displeasure with the product by not spending, it would make the organization pay closer attention to the fan response. Sadly, the six years this city spent without an NFL franchise has conditioned most of the fan base to fall in line with whatever the organization spits out for fear of losing them the way Bud Adams took the Oilers, and their history, to Tennessee.

I'm not hating on this organization. As a matter of fact, it brings me great joy to see them succeed rather than fail as miserably as they have. I get more from the Texans having a measure of success than wallowing in their pity. But something has to change. This organization has been mired in mediocrity for far too long. "We went 9-7 and won the AFC South two years in a row" should be a thing of the past. I long for the day when "we lost a Super Bowl, but the last two we won lessens the sting" is ore of a thing. I'm not saying I should be a team executive either. I just want more and better for this team and this city dammit!

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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