The road to Wrestlemania is forming post Royal Rumble

The road to Wrestlemania is forming post Royal Rumble

Born with a comic book in one hand and a remote control in the other, Cory DLG is the talent of Conroe's very own Nerd Thug Radio and the sister show Ball Control. Check out the podcast replay of the FM radio shows at www.nerdthugradio.com or www.facebook.com/nerdthugradio!

Coming off the heels of Sunday's Royal Rumble, some championships changed hands, some surprisingly didn't and the heat is building for WrestleMania.

Surprisingly Finn Balor didn't beat Brock Lesnar, but Seth Rollins did win the Men's Royal Rumble and at the end of RAW decided to challenge Lesnar for his title in the main event of WrestleMania. Ronda Rousey tried to cut a promo about being in the main even of WrestleMania but the fans weren't having it, further cementing the idea that the fans aren't enjoying a Rousey reign as Women's Champion and were chanting Becky's name long before Becky Lynch made a surprise appearance and cashed in the prize of her victory from the women's Royal Rumble and challenged Ronda to a title match at WrestleMania.

Two of the women's tag team entries into the elimination match for the women's tag team titles were set with both Tamina/Nia Jax and Liv Morgan/Sarah Logan qualifying for the match. Overall this was an average wrap up show with no real movement on anything although it looks like the Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins rivalry has come to an end as rumors are now abound that Ambrose won't be renewing his WWE contract and will likely be leaving post WrestleMania for those rumored greener pastures every wrestler's been dreaming about this year, All Elite Wrestling.

Yet again Smackdown launched with Lynch, her feud with Charlotte Flair continuing, but the crowd excited about her impending match with Rousey at WrestleMania also wasn't letting Charlotte talk, so they fought instead. R Truth had a great show as he first beat Shinsuke Nakamora and then Rusev immediately after to both win and defend the US Championship in the span of about twenty minutes.

The Mandy Rose/Naomi story took a slightly more believable turn as Mandy's desire for revenge was at least explained - even if it is paper thin - the tag titles are going to be put on the line against perennial tag team champ threats, The Usos. Smackdown lined up the Elimination Chamber main event with Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, Samoa Joe, Mustafa Ali, Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles. This is great news if it was 10 years ago, because aside from Mustafa Ali this is one of the oldest main events in recent history, reminiscent of the Triple H vs Sting Wrestlemania match of a few years back.

The road to WrestleMania is shaping up and one thing is obvious, the year of Becky Lynch and the rise of the Women of the WWE may be two of the biggest storylines of 2019.

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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