Week 3 NFL/select college football weather report

Week 3 NFL/select college football weather report
Ryan Tannehill and the Dolphins will face the heat again. Miami Dolphins/Facebook

This weekend will see the country’s first good fall cool front move across the nation (but no, unfortunately it won’t make it all the way to Houston). As these fronts begin to become more frequent the weather will become volatile as they pass through. However this week impacts from the front look to be limited to just a couple of games. In addition to that there will also be the usual Florida trouble spots. Also, keep reading to the end for a College Football Special for a couple of games of local interest.  Lets jump to it:

Raiders @ Dolphins (12:00 PM Sunday) – The typical Miami issues look to be in play for this game.  The humidity will put the heat index in the mid to upper 90s. Some thunderstorms will be possible over the course of the game, with lightning being the main concern. Slight bump down to the defenses due to the heat but other than that no big position impacts.

DEF: ↓

Packers @ Redskins AND Broncos @ Ravens (12:00 PM Sunday) – Rain lingering behind the aforementioned cold front will be the primary issue at both of these games.  This will likely be a soggy afternoon with light rain being present for most of the game with pockets of some moderate rainfall moving through from time to time.  Overall winds shouldn’t be a huge issue, but there is the possibility that there could be a few gusts around 15 MPH which could cause a brief cross wind. Given the conditions I see the position impacts as follows:

RB: ↑

WR/TE: ↓↓

K: ↓

DEF: ↑

Steelers @ Buccaneers (7:15 PM Monday) – As of now it looks like the heat index will be around 90 degrees for this game and some rain may be possible. However it is still a bit too far out to make a good call on rain here yet.  If something looks concerning I will post an update.

College football special

TCU @ Texas (3:30 PM Saturday) – There is a good chance this will be a wet affair. Rain is very likely for at least the early portion of the game, but it could linger throughout the afternoon.  Overall rain will be light to moderate but there may be a few pockets of heavy rain that move through and a couple of lightning strikes that could possibly cause an issue.

Texas A&M @ Alabama (2:30 Saturday) – I don’t think that even a hurricane could change the likely outcome of this game. But if you plan to bet you may want to note that while no rain is forecast, it will be a sweltering afternoon with the heat index around 100 degrees throughout the game. While both teams should be relatively well acclimated to heat it can still take a toll over the course of the game. If I had to bet, I would say A&M would see the defensive drop off first though.

For more information on these or any other games, or if you have any questions you can find me on Twitter @stephenuzick.


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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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