5 basic betting tips now that more sports have returned

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Sports betting

Now that the NBA and NHL have returned to join MLB, golf and NASCAR, among others, there is no shortage of sports to wager on. If you are going to dive in, we provide a few tips on how to approach these sports, which are all essentially being played under unique rules. That will impact games and wagers. As a general rule, I rarely bet baseball and the NBA, but if you spot some trends, there is money to be made:

1) Don't overdo it

The temptation is there to play everything, especially since we have not had much to bet on. But keep in mind there are lots of options every day now. Pick your spots and be patient. Don't bet just to have action.

2) Don't be afraid to bet on your teams

Sometimes, having an emotional involvement in a team can be a negative. But if you can look at it objectively, it makes sense to bet on the team you follow. It's simple reasoning; you will know more about that team than any other. Sometimes that knowledge will lead you to bet against them. Again, be objective and it can pay off.

3) Throw out the old trends

Treat each sport like it is a new season and you have to develop new trends and data. For instance, early in the real regular season, hockey overs were easy money. But in the re-start, defenses and goalies have been well ahead, and that trend has reversed. Keep in mind some hockey and basketball teams have players who were out when the season was paused and have returned now, so you are starting from scratch in many ways. In baseball, watch for struggling high profile pitchers and bet against them until it turns around. In hockey, keep an eye out for hot goalies. And in the NBA, some teams are more prepared. These are all things to look for.

4) Keep an eye on the bankroll

With so much action available, be smart with your money. One rule I always use is never bet more than 10 percent of your bankroll on a given game. So if you are playing with $100 in your account, your maximum bet should be $10 per game. It will help mitigate your losses and keep you from chasing lost money.

5) Where you bet is critical

Having more than one web site is always a good idea, so you can shop for value and bet where you have the best lines or totals. If you like an over in a baseball game, for instance, and it is 8 runs on Website A and 9 on Website B, clearly you will take the extra run. Also make sure you use sites that will actually pay you when you win. I use two sites - mybookie.ag and BUSR. Both have lots of deposit options, are very user friendly and actually pay you when you win.

Whatever sport you are into, try some of these basic tips and good luck with your wagers.

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Astros manager Joe Espada threw around the word “Ace” when talking about Hunter Brown after his start against the A's.

Do you believe Brown is ready to be in that conversation?

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Paul Gallant and Joe George share their thoughts on Brown and the Astros rotation.

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