Bookie Busters: On a mission

Bookie Busters: On a mission
Stacking that money. Getty Images

Update The weekend is here and for the bookie busters, this means more cash for the holidays.  We got out of the Champions League with some units and we will look to build on that with a ton of games on my radar.

I say this often and I'll never stop, play smart. Don't blow your winnings, don't UP your bets just because we've been hot. Grind it out and keep to your strategy.

Last week's plays

Champions League
Dortmund vs. Brugge
Over 3    2U -2.6
1U parlay 5 way +1100      -1
Atlético Madrid -1.5 (1.625)
Atlético Madrid vs Monaco
Over 3 (-165)
Borussia Dortmund vs. Club Brugge KV
Tottenham Hotspur (-140)
Tottenham Hotspur vs Inter Milan
Napoli -2 (-145)
Napoli vs Red Star Belgrade
Yes and Over 2½ Goals (-142)
Paris SG vs Liverpool

Tottenham Full game 5U  +5
Tottenham first half 5U -5

Liverpool vs PSG
Over 2.5 5U +5
Over 3 5U  Push
Over 3.5 1U -1
BTTS 1U +1
BTTS And over 2.5 5U +5
Salah scores 1U +135 -1
penalty awarded .5U +250  +1.25
substitute scores .5u +350 -.5

Saints TT Under 17  1U +1
Cowboys over 2.5 3rd Q  1U -1.2
2nd half Under 27 -120  2U 2
Under 33.5  +3
Saints - do what you want play (grade it how you want)

+11.9U minus the do what you want play/ don't want to throw a Unit on it I never released. So it's up to you

Last article read +262.2U  +11.9= +274.1. Slowly but surely

New Plays

Lakers -3.5   1U +1



Hoff/ Schalke

Over 3 5U


Texas +10 line is 9.5 now so buy the hook and hook'em 5U



Peoples Teaser 5U  -125   7 point

Memphis +9.5

Alabama -6.5



Bama -9.5 2nd half  5U MAX



Update 324

pats/Vikings over 50.5 5U 


Steelers first half ML 5U

Steelers ML game 5U

Steelers-3 5U




Steelers TT over 13.5 2nd half 5U

Steelers ML 3rd Q 5U






Steelers for the big cheese. Black and yellow

For any questions or comments reach me @JerryBoKnowz Twitter.

Be sure to check out my show MoneyLine with Josh Jordan on ESPN 97.5. We’re on every Sunday from 10-noon, and we’ll talk a lot of fantasy football and NFL gambling. Also, be sure to follow us @Moneyline975 on Twitter.

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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