Something to do

Bored? Here is a chance to be entertained and do a good deed. And read this or the Dalmatian will be angry with you

Bored? Here is a chance to be entertained and do a good deed. And read this or the Dalmatian will be angry with you

OK, no, the Dalmatian will not really be angry. She is just a nice looking dog who takes great photos. We need some of that in these times.

So most of us are on lockdown. We are bored. We are running out of Netflix and Amazon shows to watch. So maybe it is time to read? Sure, you can get a copy of Jesus Just Left Chicago. But we are going to pitch you on something else.

I have written a new, original short story based on Jesse Christian. I have packaged it with some of my long lost short stories, including the first one I ever wrote. I combined them to create Falcon Tales: A Collection of Short Stories.

For a minimum of $10, you can get some great reading material for this lockdown. And help people who need it.

The plan

So the idea is take all the money from the sales of this and create a fund that we can use to help Gow Media employees who need it to pay bills. If we sell a lot, we will help listeners to our station, SportsMap readers, and whoever else we can.

It is simple. If you want a copy, email me at I will email you a PDF file you can read on your phone or computer or print it out, and I will give you instructions on how to PayPal or Venmo. The $10 is a minimum. If you want to pay more, you can. Your choice.

If you can't afford to donate and want to read it anyway, I will send it free of charge. It will be a personalized version of five short stories, so if I die, maybe it will be worth something.

What you get

A novella, called Land of the Living Skies, which I am making into a full length novel. It is not available anywhere else. You will also get the first short story I ever wrote, a couple that were available on my old blog, and a brand new short story I just completed called The Perfect Game.

The new one features Jesse Christian, the main character from Jesus Just Left Chicago. I wrote it while on Covid-19 lockdown on March 22, 2020. I am well into the sequel to Jesus (spoiler alert: Jesse survives), and the tale may continue beyond that into a trilogy if I can come up with a viable story line. This short story is how I envision the saga ending if we get that far. The odds of that are pretty low, but if it happens, you will be one of the first to know how it ends.

Of the five stories, three can not be found anywhere else. There is also commentary on all of them, so if you are interested in writing, you will get some insight into the thought process.

Please share this with as many friends as possible. If they can help, great. If not and they want something to read, I will send it to them anyway. Feel free to share your own copy with anyone who can't afford to buy it.

Hopefully this all ends soon and we are back to normal. If not? Please do what you can.

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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