Let's examine in what capacity Davis Mills will be a part of the Texans future

Texans Davis Mills
Mills has shown a few flashes. Photo by Patrick McDermott/Getty Images.

Davis Mills has put up some impressive numbers in his last few games played/starts. He leads rookie quarterbacks in 300 yard passing games. He has a total of three, while the rest have only four. All three came in losses with only one of them coming in a game that was decided within one score. We've seen hollow stats by a quarterback in a losing season before. There are some in this city who still hang onto the fact that number 4 led the league in passing yards last season and use it as a reason to justify why he should be back on Kirby.

Whatever happens with 4, this team is still looking for their franchise quarterback. Mills has shown a few flashes, but he isn't looked at as a long-term solution. Chronicle beat writer Brooks Kubena was on with ESPN Houston's The Wheelhouse and stated he believes Mills is not a lock to be the starter next season. This shouldn't surprise anyone as this team won't allow any info they don't want out there leaked. Mills shouldn't be a lock because he hasn't earned it. While I think it'll be good to bring him back to compete for the job, it'll also be good to bring him back as a backup to whoever takes the job.

Decent, serviceable quarterbacks will always find work. I expect Mills to stick around the league a while in some capacity. He could become the franchise backup. Why wouldn't a team want to hang onto a smart, prototypical size, solid arm strength quarterback that can win a couple games here and there? Every team in the league needs them, and that's another reason why some guys hang on well past their prime.

This is also another reason why they could keep him and trade him to a team looking for a solid backup. The way this team is set up, they need any and every extra draft pick available. If a team comes calling and offers the Texans a quality mid round pick or more, they should take it. Mills hasn't shown anything to say he should be untouchable. He's had flashes of talent, but nothing consistent enough to have the team refrain from considering him as a trade piece, given the right offer.

What if given the time, Mills proves he's worthy? By all means, keep him! What better way to turn a team around than hitting on the most important position with a third-round pick?!? If this team truly feels he has a chance, plus seeing as there isn't a quarterback worth a top five to ten pick in this draft, they could load up on other positions of need (everything else). Letting him play it out after this coming offseason of loading up around him could help him progress more. By the following offseason, the team could be in even better shape as far as cap and maybe even draft capital, and really be able to say whether or not Mills is the chosen one.

No matter what way you slice it, Mills plays a role in the future of this franchise. Whether it's a bit part by getting a return draft pick, or he's the next best supporting actor as a backup, or if he turns out to be a box office star as a franchise quarterback. One way or another, we should expect him to help this franchise move forward towards better days.

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The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

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Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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