Countdown to the season

Del Olaleye: College football weekly update

Del Olaleye: College football weekly update
Kliff Kingsbury is not all that liked by Baker Mayfield. Thomas B. Shea/Getty Images

Scott Frost gets robbed

Apparently winning a national title as a player and being the next savior of Nebraska football doesn’t make you exempt from getting robbed in Lincoln, Nebraska. That is what happened to new Huskers coach Scott Frost. In his first summer back as a Lincoln resident Frost had his house broken into and initial reports valued the stolen merchandise at $165,000. Frost has since disputed the initially reported value. He made that clear as part of a statement: “I would like to clarify that some items initially reported as missing have been found, including some of the rings listed on the police report. Also, the value of what we believe to actually be missing is lower than what has been publicly reported." It was reported that some of the missing things were found in the garage which was actually the point of entry for the burglars. Somebody better tell coach that Lincoln isn’t the same as it was when he left. Don’t think his former coach Tom Osborne had to worry about anyone breaking into his home. Then again he won three national titles. Legends can leave all their doors unlocked in Lincoln.

The house was being remodeled so no one was living at the home at the time. That made the theft easy as all the items taken were in boxes. The stolen swag consisted of title rings and multiple pairs of Jordans. Frost has coached at Nike schools for the last nine years of his career. He was the head coach at UCF most recently and the offensive coordinator at Phil Knight’s love child Oregon before that. He now coaches at Nebraska, one of the premier schools for Adidas. I’m sure #3StripeLife will excuse it this time, but the next time Frost has his house robbed the stolen items better consist of Yeezys and Hardens vol. 3s.

Baker Mayfield has some thoughts on Kliff Kingsbury

Baker Mayfield’s journey is a tired story. So I won’t really get into it. Just know that before he was a star at Oklahoma he was walkon at Texas Tech. A really good one in fact. He started his career 5-0 as a starter. He got hurt during that season and that is where he claims his relationship with Texas Tech coach Kliff Kingsbury changed. In a clip from his docu-series for Fox Sports he says that after he got hurt the relationship between himself and Coach Kingsbury took a downturn. According to Mayfield, Kingsbury treated him after the injury as if “he hadn’t done anything for him”. That’s only the quarterback’s side of the story and Kingsbury has responded to his former signal caller’s words in a short statement to TMZ, "I’ve always been a huge fan of Baker and loved working with him. He had an incredible career at Oklahoma, and I wish him nothing but continued success as he begins his NFL career.” Certainly not a denial of Mayfield’s words but Kingsbury has nothing to gain from engaging in a back and forth.

Wherever the truth lies, it certainly isn’t a departure for college coaches to all of a sudden play a game of “new phone, who dis?” when it comes to players who are no longer useful to them. The word attrition is used to describe players who don’t play regularly somehow finding their way out of the program. Some of it is suggested (politely forced) by coaches and other times it is voluntarily as players look for a better opportunity to play. Mayfield’s talent makes him one of the lucky ones. It turns out he could’ve played anywhere and got the chance to beat his former team three years in row during his time at Oklahoma.


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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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