Houston sports Hall of Fame misses the mark big time with latest inductees

Houston sports Hall of Fame misses the mark big time with latest inductees
The Houston sports Hall of Fame missed the mark big time. Courtesy Harris County-Houston Sports Authority

In 2018 The Harris County – Houston Sports Authority and the Houston Sports Awards created the Houston Sports Hall of Fame.

The inaugural class will probably never be topped as the HSA went with a “34” theme and nominated perhaps the best and most popular players to ever play professional football, basketball and baseball in Houston.

Of course I’m speaking of Earl Campbell, Hakeem Olajuwon and Nolan Ryan.

So after launching the Houston Sports Hall of Fame with three no doubters, it’s puzzling to see this years crop of inductees. They are:

Jackie Burke Jr (golf), A.J. Foyt (auto racing), George Foreman (boxing), and Dan Pastorini (football).

Say what?

Yup (two of these things are not like the others).

At the risk of not getting invited to the awards next year (again) I have to say the folks at the HSHOF really missed the mark this year.


It would only make sense to follow the best from the big three sports (football/basketball/baseball) with the best from other popular sports, and in that regards, I really don’t have a problem with Foyt (racing) and Foreman (boxing).

Both totally make sense and SHOULD be in.

Jackie Burke Jr I’m on the fence about. Sure he won a Masters...but it’s golf. I’m not suggesting he shouldn’t be in at some point, just not yet.

And I have absolutely NO idea why the heck Dan Pastorini is on the list so soon. Again, I’m not suggesting that Pastorini (like Burke) won’t and shouldn’t be in at some point, just not this early.

If they needed another NFL player (since Houston is a football town) they could have went with Warren Moon, or Ray Childress, or Elvin Bethea, or Bruce Matthews, or Mike Munchak, or Robert Brazile before Pastorini.

My co-host on the Usual Suspects (ESPN 97.5 fm Houston 1p-4p daily), Joel Blank, had the best 3rd candidate not from the big three sports, that being Carl Lewis.

How is he NOT on this list?

My suggestion as a fourth name not from the NFL/NBA/MLB that had played a vital role in Houston sports is Guy V. Lewis.

The final 4 (no pun intended) 2019 Houston Sports Hall of Fame inductees SHOULD HAVE BEEN Foyt, Foreman, Lewis and Lewis.

But hey, there’s always 2020 to look forward too.

I know I’ll be looking forward (to not being invited) to it.

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