Jerry Bo's Bookie Busters: Forgive me, bookies

Jerry Bo's Bookie Busters: Forgive me, bookies
Yes. These picks are on fire. Matthew Lewis/Getty Images

I was taught "Don't ask questions, ask for forgiveness," so sportsbooks and bookies around the world; forgive me. The previous edition of the Bookie Busters Money Machine read...

On fire!!! A +23 Unit run in 2 days. Welcome to the Machine.

That's all that can be said for the run we are on the past two days. Max plays hitting at over 80 percent, and regular plays are also hot.

Firenado - is said to be similar in appearance to a tornado made out of fire, and that is what we've been as of late. Dangerous results.

Add to that +23 2-day run, and we went 15-4 in a 3-day span of MAX plays, once again giving the books a headache. If played correctly, followers could have enjoyed about a + 45 unit run last week. Never risking more than 5U on a play.

Now we say if, and there's an emphasis on that. I've received quite a bit of private messages asking about bankroll management and people telling me they're disappointed in their results in a way as they feel they weren't maximizing their returns. Some were caught up in betting too much into early games and didn't have enough to cash throughout the day. Others found themselves investing in MLB games between matches conclusively tying up their cash and prohibiting them to bet correctly.

Getting the side right is only part of the journey; know your plan and execute it, don't get sidetracked and tied to other games causing you to miss the moment to capitalize.

Copa Argentina
Rafaela vs Lanus   
Over 2       2U

UPDATED 8/22   1:15 PM

South America Copa Sudamericana

Cali vs Quito 

Over 1.5 MAX

Over 2  MAX 


MAX play for today ready for liftoff, I will be releasing it at a random time today, stay updated!

For any questions or comments reach me @JerryBoknowz on Twitter.

Be sure to check out my new show MoneyLine with Josh Jordan on ESPN 97.5. We’re on every Sunday from 10-noon, and we’ll talk a lot of fantasy football and NFL gambling. Also, be sure to follow us  @Moneyline975  on Twitter.


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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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