Life Time to open new coworking space and fitness club in downtown Houston

Life Time to open new coworking space and fitness club in downtown Houston
GreenStreet will soon have coworking space and a gym from Life Time. Courtesy of Midway Cos.

This article origianlly appeared on InnovationMap and was written by Natalie Harms.

Life Time has announced its second Houston location of its coworking concept, Life Time Work, before it's even opened the first. Life Time will open an athletic club and coworking space in GreenStreet in downtown Houston. Houston's first Life Time Work in CITYCENTRE, which was announced last year, is expected to open in May.

"GreenStreet aligns well with our vision to meet the changing needs of consumers by bringing Life Time — through our athletic destinations and coworking space — as a lifestyle asset to bustling and successful developments," says Parham Javaheri, Minnesota-based Life Time's executive vice president of real estate and development, in a release. "We look forward to becoming an anchor to this new model of urban living in 2020."

Opening by 2020, the new location will be at 1201 Main Street and will have more than 56,000 square feet of wellness space and more than 38,000 square feet of coworking space.

"Being able to attract and retain workers who place a premium on work/life balance sets a company's culture apart," says Fernando Urrutia, vice president for Lionstone Investments, which owns GreenStreet, in the release. "Combining GreenStreet's state-of-the-art work environment with the highest level of health and wellness amenities, in the middle of downtown's expanding variety of new residential developments, will be a game-changer."

Both CITYCENTRE and GreenStreet are operated by Houston-based Midway Cos.

Continue reading on InnovationMap to learn about spots opening in Midway.

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