Silencing the Critics

MacArthur's Davila fought rejection to put Big Mac tennis on the map

MacArthur's Davila fought rejection to put Big Mac tennis on the map
A player that Davila looks up to in the tennis world is Serna Williams.

Originally appeared on Vype


It came from college tennis coaches saying she needed more experience or that she didn't have what they were looking for. They even told her to look at a different avenues to play tennis.

"I remember a specific coach telling me to look at alternative choices such as playing outside of college, in separate leagues, etc. instead of pursuing a college tennis career," Davila said.

The MacArthur senior overcame all of the naysayers and will be attending University of St. Thomas in Houston next year as a part of its inaugural tennis team.

"She is the truest definition of what hard work, determination, excellence and passion for tennis can lead to," MacArthur tennis coach Brandon Blake said. "I know Alyssa will continue to thrive at the college level and she has set an example for the rest of MacArthur's tennis team that they too can play at the next level."

Since the University of St. Thomas is a Division III school, it doesn't offer athletic scholarships. However, Davila maintaining a Top 10-percent ranking in her graduating class has afforded her numerous academic scholarships.

Accomplishing all of this hasn't come without hard work, Davila said, which is how she was raised.

"A strong work ethic is actually ingrained in my blood with my grandparents on my father's side being immigrants from Mexico, who came to America to find a better life," Davila said. "And with my grandparents on my mother's side being migrant workers, who worked picking crops in fields. I recognize that my family has worked too hard for me to slack and not make something out of myself."

The story continues here

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