Nerds Around Town: Archer's back, FXX's future, and delicious bread.

Nerds Around Town: Archer's back, FXX's future, and delicious bread.

Born with a comic book in one hand and a remote control in the other, Cory DLG is the talent of Conroe's very own Nerd Thug Radio, Sports and Wrestling. Check out the podcast replay of the FM radio show at!

Hey Nerds!

It's Tuesday, it's a great week and there's no reason not to knock everything out of the park this week.


Zoey's Angels is an amazing organization with a heartbreaking story and this Sunday they are hosting their 8th annual Family Fun Walk. An organization that centers around helping families deal with the horrific ordeal of having a baby stay in the hospital for a long battle after it's born and then pass. The family then has to deal with burying a little family member and also a ton of medical bills and Zoey's Angels helps with both. Obviously for many people this is an incredibly personal story and issue and is something that is absolutely devastating for families to go through and deal with, and to have an organization there to help support people is incredibly important. This is that opportunity to help this group raise funds to help families deal with this all year long. #NerdsUnite


The new season of Archer debuted last weekend and it is freaking great! There is absolutely no way to complain about this show, they keep reinventing it and the cast every season these last few years and I think that's done a lot to keep it fresh. There's no getting around the reality that 10 seasons is a lot of anything and like most shows the old way of doing things can get stale so they've avoided that by changing stuff up as much as possible these last few seasons and I love it. This season it's become a science fiction show and the cast is in space and struggling to make it in a great big galaxy while also dealing with all the inappropriate relationships and issues this cast has always had. Overall it's a hilarious journey through some great adventures, check it out.


This overall brings me to what's next for FXX and FX in general after the Fox/Disney deal. So FXX and FX are more centered towards adults and adult programming and while overall it's easy to believe that Disney would greatly enjoy the prospect of having these added channels in their portfolio, it isn't clear if they have the stomach for it. Lewis CK famously chose FX over HBO for his comedy show a few years back because they gave him the exact deal he wanted, and Baskets with Zach Galifianakis is from a similar arrangement and while Baskets has worked out great the Lewis CK deal obviously became an issue down the road where while on hiatus he admitted sexual misconduct allegations against him were untrue and the network ended their relationship. While "family" television isn't exactly full of saints, at least their program content isn't in constant need of defense from various people and parties. Adult comedy takes risks and goes out on limbs to make comments about our society, and how long Disney is willing to let that limb linger is the interesting long term question for both FX and FXX.


The sweet love affair with the bread that can't be put down continues, they wrote me back guys, they wrote me back. Stay tuned.


Jared Kushner just did the season premiere of Axiom on HBO, it's a big picture journalism show where they try and really find the important parts of stories that people aren't talking about including things like global threats and the friction we have globally with China. They aren't a "gotcha" media by any means, but they aren't going to do a fluff piece on anyone they are going to push back on things that are issues. They spent a lot of time on Palestine and they spent a lot of time on the inappropriate relationship between "friends" and money and honestly Kushner doesn't change any minds in the interview but it all could have gone a lot worse. The one thing I do have an issue with though is his response on the Russia meeting in Trump tower was "I get 250 emails a day" but important people get a lot of emails, and it's their job to handle the information coming in and making decisions, also it said "Russia" in the subject line, so that should have gotten some focus from someone running a campaign. I just really didn't like that answer at all.

I'm going to jump out and wish you guys a great Tuesday and remind everyone to be kind to each other and try a little harder to have a great day! I'm coming back Wednesday and we'll be bringing more good times your way. Feel free to check out my digital short story The Wilson House or buy a shirt from Side Hustle Ts where some proceeds help fight cancer or listen to Nerd Thug Radio. Thoughts, complaints, events and comments can be sent to

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