Nerds Around Town: Being sick, Red Cross and a dream come true

Nerds Around Town: Being sick, Red Cross and a dream come true

Born with a comic book in one hand and a remote control in the other, Cory DLG is the talent of Conroe's very own Nerd Thug Radio and Sports. Check out the podcast replay of the FM radio show at!

Hey Nerds!

It's Wednesday, I've been sick and I have great news, it's been a crazy week!!


In honor of being sick the past few days, donate to the American Red Cross.


Being sick is the worst. Like I got real sick, like fever and shaking cold sick Sunday night/Monday morning. It was absolutely the worst, because if you don't get up and get yourself moving you're going to keep feeling worse but you feel so bad you don't want to do anything. Like you're cold from the inside out and you just want to try and get warm and you can't. Also, if you're alone like I was, I was housesitting by myself at the time, it gets way worse. There's literally no one to bring you a glass of water or anything and you have to get up and go all the way to the kitchen, it's the worst of the worst. Being sick is a no go, and really only by mid day Tuesday did I finally feel a little bit better and that was only because I got some great news and I felt a second wind from that.


So my comic book has been finalized and approved at the printers so starting yesterday afternoon and through today I'm taking orders for my first print run. I'm super pumped about this, this is something that I've been working on for a really long time. Essentially in some form or another, my whole life has been building up to this moment right here. I've been a comic book geek forever and this isn't the first time opportunity has come a calling but it's the first time I made it all the way. I've signed two different contracts in my youth for small publishing companies and both of those opportunities while great didn't work out. One of them their launch was a little too ambitious and they never even got to my project in the span of like two years and the other one after a dozen or so rewrites just never really worked out and the project never made it to print. No harm, no foul, just both parties walk away and leave it at that.


So all of that happened and life goes on and I started to feel like, well maybe this is never going to happen and then time moves on and suddenly it's twelve years later, holy crap, twelve years later and you go… No. I want to get back to this. So here we are, working our way back to this and our first project is Another Day at the Office. It's a humorous one shot about a cop in a city full of super heroes. It's a fun story, meant to be light hearted and well meaning and isn't designed to be mean or take shots at people or say something about the universe. It's just a fun story. Check it out please, if you're interested in a copy, today it's really easy to get one, simply e-mail me at and I'll get you on the list that I'm building right now for the print run that I'm ordering tonight.


This has been a rough week and a bit of an up and down one from bad health to great personal moment and one of the people that I would very much like to celebrate and share this moment with I can't. My Father was an awesome fan of everything I did and anything I wanted to do, he would do the standard "how does it work" questions but once he knew I was locked in on something he just got behind it and cheered me on. I really appreciated that and it's something I regret not showing him more for, almost like he never got to see the rest of this journey I'm on and it stings a little bit, it's added a bittersweet note to today. Call your loved ones and tell them hey.

Feel free to check out my brand new comic book Another Day at the Office email me for details or buy a shirt from Side Hustle Ts where some proceeds help people struggling with cancer or listen to Nerd Thug Radio. Thoughts, complaints, events and comments can be sent to

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