Nerds Around Town: Stephen A Smith, Walking Dead and Hell freezing over
Jul 2, 2019, 6:42 am
Born with a comic book in one hand and a remote control in the other, Cory DLG is the talent of Conroe's very own Nerd Thug Radio and Sports. Check out the podcast replay of the FM radio show at!
Hey Nerds!
Hey Tuesday, I didn't see you standing there, that's cool. Let's do this!
This week is the Fourth of July, which is a federal holiday, not because the fed rocks! But because this date is literally the date that matters in the formation of our country. This is the most important date on a calendar in American history. So let's not waste it being selfish and foolish, let's focus on things that matter and be good people and good citizens. #NerdsUnite
One of the most impressive and important stories in modern comic books, The Walking Dead has let it slip that this Wednesday the series ends with a monster 70+ page book at issue #193. I'm not sure how it ends, I honestly haven't been reading it for a little while, but what Robert Kirkman did was nothing short of amazing. He took an indy black and white comic book at a time when Image Comics and comic books as a whole were struggling and struck a chord that no one was ready for. The timing was amazing as over the next couple of years the zombie craze grew and grew and eventually there was a television series made from this little book that never quit. I remember I found out about this book and bought the first trade and issue #7 and bought every monthly issue for about two years, those 24 books were worth over $300 when I sold them a few years later. It was crazy how big the hype got for this series. Hats off and congrats to Robert Kirkman and company for The Walking Dead.
So I enjoy watching most of the sports shows, but I can never really get into Stephen A Smith. He is just too over the top and then Max Kellerman always says the craziest stuff, I just can't get into those guys. That being said there was nothing more entertaining than watching him be so humiliated and frustrated with The Knicks on television yesterday. All reports were that they didn't even offer Kevin Durant a maximum contract, which is just foolish. Of course you offer Kevin Durant a max contract, you offer him everything until he proves he's not one of the best players in the world. For them and the Clippers to be left holding all this cap space and having no one who even wants their money, is pretty telling of the NBA and how the players view those two franchises. There was a time a few years back where the Clippers were supposed to be the dark horse pick to win the Western Conference and now their big news is the resigning of Patrick Beverly. That is not earth shattering. The Knicks went out and got a bunch of guys on limited contracts to fill out a roster that honestly no one will be excited about, and their fans are devastated. Finally some good television.
Apparently over the weekend three feet of hail fell on Guadalajara, Mexico? This is a crazy story especially considering two key ingredients. Number 1, it was June 30th in Mexico at the time and Number 2, it was Mexico in the summer at the time. I know you think those are the same fact just re explained, you're right it is, but that's how important that fact is. There is literally no reasonable way to examine that situation and not be concerned that maybe there are some weird things happening and we may want to check with our local climate scientist, and soon.
Jason Aaron's War of the Realms is coming to a close soon at Marvel and all the tie in and stories are wrapping up, however there have been hints dropped of more events coming down the road. I honestly hope that's wrong. I don't know that we need to keep doing event after event after event, it's crazy to me. I'm worried how much more customers will want to buy before they start to wander to other companies and lines, which is great for indy creator for me but bad for the me who wants to one day write X Men.
Feel free to check out my digital short story The Wilson House or buy a shirt from Side Hustle Ts where some proceeds help people struggling with cancer or listen to Nerd Thug Radio. Thoughts, complaints, events and comments can be sent to
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