Nerds Around Town: Zoey's Angels, comic book Friday and Swamp Thing

Nerds Around Town: Zoey's Angels, comic book Friday and Swamp Thing

Born with a comic book in one hand and a remote control in the other, Cory DLG is the talent of Conroe's very own Nerd Thug Radio, Sports and Wrestling. Check out the podcast replay of the FM radio show at!

Hey Nerds!

Here it is, the Friday edition of Nerds Around Town, you made it.


Zoey's Angels 8th annual Family Fun Walk is this Sunday. After the walk there are numerous events and tickets come with a plate of lunch there are all kinds of reasons to get out there and support these great people, not the smallest reason being the great cause. So get out there and help Zoey's Angels on Sunday. #NerdsUnite


DC Universe just cancelled its first show on its streaming service, Swamp Thing. If you recall, they were unhappy with both the expense and the direction of the show, cutting costs and rewriting the show to cut it down to 10 episodes from 13. Apparently, after just one week the announcement came down that they will air out these remaining nine episodes but that's it, series over. This isn't a great surprise to me, honestly, this was the one that most stuck out when they announced a line up. I could see the idea of a doom patrol, especially if they're doing a Titans show as they have similar themes and overlapping characters, but Swamp Thing when it was its best book was a big crazy god of the green comic book. The show was taking a southern horror vibe which is great and can be its own thing, but you could tell that same story with characters that are easier to create for the television screen.


So while you're running around this weekend, one place you should swing by is your local comic book shop. There are several great ones around town and there's more than likely one near you so hop in and check out some of these great titles and more. From Marvel there's lots going on with the War of the Realms stuff and all the side adventures a massive war brings on but also of note Matthew Rosenberg's run on X Men is coming to a close as they prepare for the massive Jonathan Hickman launch next month, so pick up Uncanny X Men #19 and check out how the series comes to it's rocketing conclusion. DC is in the middle of some cool storylines as well with Justice League finishing up a battle with the sixth dimension versions of their future selves and slowly kick off their "Year of the Villains", they also are in the middle of releasing Tom Taylor's what if zombie story, DCeased. It's a fun/scary run through the potential troubles of the DC Universe. Also an interesting Indy book that is well worth checking out is, Sword Daughter. Great art, Jose Villarrubia, amazing writer, Brian Wood and a very interesting story makes this one worth picking up.


So friend of Nerd Thug Radio, Dennis Barger has constantly pushed the definitely not a monopoly but only distributor Diamond to step their game up. In response they banned him from their summits for the next year and a half. He's a customer who is regularly in the top 20% of orders and has been pushing for such horrendous change as credit on damaged product and things of that selfish nature and they're just not happy with him. This is the kind of stuff that lets people say that the industry I love is "in trouble." I don't think it is, but I can't argue with people when stuff like this comes up. What am I supposed to say? No it isn't? Because honestly, it does make the whole thing look bad when you can't even take care of your retailers, they're the lifeblood and honestly they're Diamond's customers. What is their problem?


I need a fun weekend in my life, so this weekend, look out for Drunk Cory. Seriously, I haven't really pulled the pin in a little bit so stay tuned to some potentially devastating hangover horror stories in future editions of "Not That You Asked."

I'm going to jump out and wish you guys a great Friday and remind everyone to be kind to each other and try a little harder to have a great day! I'm coming back Monday and we'll be bringing more good times your way. Feel free to check out my digital short story The Wilson House or buy a shirt from Side Hustle Ts where some proceeds help fight cancer or listen to Nerd Thug Radio. Thoughts, complaints, events and comments can be sent to

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

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Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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