Patrick Creighton: Melo to Houston may be inevitable, but it’s still a really bad idea

Patrick Creighton: Melo to Houston may be inevitable, but it’s still a really bad idea
Carmelo Anthony is a bad idea. Gene Sweeney Jr./Getty Images

All the revisionist history in the world cannot change the truth about the past.  When it comes to betting on someone’s future, their past is all we have to go on. History shows it’s a very good indicator.

As more and more reports continue to surface regarding the impending marriage of the Houston Rockets and Carmelo Anthony, I’ve noticed many folks in the media changing their tunes on Melo, accepting his inevitable presence on the Rockets.  Their tones about him have changed, their demeanor towards him has changed, and they are noticeably omitting important facts about him to portray him in a better light.

One of the most common ones I’ve noticed is the idea that Melo & his former coach with the Knicks (and proposed new coach with the Rockets) Mike D’Antoni clashed, and MDA stepped down/resigned midseason.  It’s a very general way of explaining things in a manner to make Melo look better. It’s hardly an accurate depiction of what happened.

It leaves out the very important details of why Melo & MDA clashed, which was 100% on Melo.  Melo refused to play D’Antoni’s system, and was not only defiant about it, but marched into the head coach’s office with buddy Chauncey Billups in tow to demand that MDA scrap the up-tempo pace to play Melo’s way.  Carmelo never wanted to give the offense a chance, never wanted to be coached in it, he just wanted to give his own orders.

It also omits why D’Antoni resigned as head coach of the Knicks.  D’Antoni’s resignation immediately followed an ultimatum given by Anthony to Knicks management that they needed to get rid of D’Antoni or he would demand to be traded.

Melo even admitted to the media to dogging it while playing for MDA, and how he was trying harder “especially on the defensive end” after MDA had stepped aside.

None of these things are new, or surprises.  They have all been reported on and can easily be found by using your friend Google.

Carmelo demanded his way out of Denver, to only go to New York.  He held the team hostage the entire season until Knicks owner James Dolan decided to hand away all the young players on the team for Anthony, overstepping his team president Donnie Walsh who was waiting out the Nuggets to lower their demands, recognizing they had no leverage.

Melo then demanded the Knicks get rid of D’Antoni.  Melo also refused to accept or work with Jeremy Lin, who Melo resented for being successful while he was injured and unable to play.

Melo then got his wish to play for a contender when the Knicks traded him to Oklahoma City last season, but he never seemed to mesh with Russell Westbrook and Paul George, and found himself getting benched frequently in the playoffs.  After the season he accused the team of having no real plan for him, and that he wouldn’t make any additional sacrifices for the team’s benefit.

Those hoping for Anthony to be successful in a “catch and shoot” role similar to what Trevor Ariza and Ryan Anderson did, should be reminded that after the season Carmelo said he doesn’t think he “can be effective as that type of player.”

The only thing that seems to be permeating through each suddenly more positive Melo piece popping up online is the concept that somehow, someway, after a career of being a selfish turd who never made players around him better, all of the sudden because he’s coming to Houston, he will change his stripes, be a good boy, play nice, and everything will work out.  

Daryl Morey chasing the fish that got away isn’t going to have a Disney fairy tale ending.  It’s only going to have disappointment. Lots and lots of disappointment.

That much is inevitable.

Patrick Creighton hosts “LateHits” weeknights 7-9p on ESPN 97.5 Houston; “Straight Heat” weekdays 4-7p CT on SB Nation Radio.  Follow him on Twitter: @pcreighton1


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