Stephen Jackson’s defense of DeSean Jackson proves he’s the ultimate hypocrite

Stephen Jackson’s defense of DeSean Jackson proves he’s the ultimate hypocrite
Photo by Cooper Neill/BIG3/Getty Images.

Former NBA champion and frequent ESPN NBA contributing analyst Stephen Jackson has been an uplifting voice in the wake of the murder of his childhood friend George Floyd. Jackson has been at the forefront of the Black Lives Matter movement yet has tarnished all the good he has done by defending DeSean Jackson's anti-Semitic Adolph Hitler post on Instagram and continuing to come out and double down on his support of the post.

I'm not a genius but I think it goes without saying that anytime you are quoting Hitler, a man responsible for killing 6 million people, you are in the wrong but hey not according to Jackson. Stephen Jackson said on his Instagram that DeSean Jackson's statements were "speaking the truth" and said that DeSean didn't say anything wrong at all. Stephen Jackson went on to say that "the Jews are the richest" and asked an Instagram follower if he knows "who the Rothschilds are?… They control all the banks. They own all the banks." Jackson spouting off untrue stereotypes exposes him for the anti-Semitic hypocrite he is. Jackson also came out and showed his "love" for Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan is a leader of the Nation of Islam and has made numerous anti-Semitic claims in the past.

How can you be a leader in a social equality movement and support anti-Semitism? It's one thing to not condemn it, that's about as hypocritical as it gets but to support it and perpetuate hurtful Jewish stereotypes? How does Stephen Jackson think he's helping to promote any meaningful change in this country? Stephen Jackson should be ashamed of himself and ESPN should think twice about ever giving him a platform again.

Either we are all against hatred and injustice in the country, or we aren't. We don't get to selectively choose what to be outraged about. I know people whose family members were ripped out of their homes, forced to work in concentration camps, and were gassed during the holocaust, so I find anyone defending a quote from Hitler reprehensible and you should too.

At least DeSean Jackson apologized and showed remorse. He deserves a second chance to make up for his actions. However, Stephen Jackson's comments are disgraceful to everyone in our country trying to fight against hate, racism, and bigotry, and if you defend Stephen Jackson in any way you are part of the problem.

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