That Joker Trailer, James Harden gummies and the Overwatch League

That Joker Trailer, James Harden gummies and the Overwatch League

Born with a comic book in one hand and a remote control in the other, Cory DLG is the talent of Conroe's very own Nerd Thug Radio, Sports and Wrestling. Check out the podcast replay of the FM radio show at!

Hey Nerds!

Thursday is like your favorite appetizer at your favorite restaurant, right?


It's a wonderful oasis in the middle of a busy, dirty hustling and bustling city, of course we need it and we want to keep it looking great. The 2019 Brunch Run presented by Green Mountain Energy benefitting The Memorial Park Conservancy is April 6th at 8 a.m. and proceeds go towards the parks conservatorship in order to help keep the park looking nice and lovely. Besides it's just a little running… I think I sprained something saying that unfortunately.


The Overwatch League returns today at 6 p.m. Stage two kicks off with The New York Excelsior trying to overcome their crushing and embarrassing early loss in the Stage 1 Playoffs. They came into that playoff as the #2 seed and lost opening round to Seoul Dynasty, so now they're kicking off Stage 2 with hopes of forgetting all about that embarrassing defeat. There are games all weekend through Sunday afternoon, with this first game at 6 p.m. on Disney XD and then two games on Sunday afternoon will also be televised. The Houston Outlaws are off this week but their play resumes next week, so get ready.


The other movie coming out this weekend is Pet Sematary. Obviously this is a remake and a lot of people are tired of the remakes, its become an annoying trend in Hollywood to just do more of the same and call it a day. However sometimes the movies are just riffing on the original concepts and then taking everything in a totally different direction, like Total Recall. That was the same concept of memory alteration and taken in a totally different direction, although there was still a chick with three boobs. I've been assured that was central to the theming of the movie. It looks like Pet Sematary is following more that vein than a true remake. There are tons of elements featured in the trailer that I don't recall from the first movie, most obviously, the kids in the creepy masks, and the dad grooming the daughter and her hair falling out. That might simply be because it was a little boy in the first movie, but hey tension and the creepy factor seem to be set to high in this one. I'm interested to say the least.


The point of having a platform is using it and the point of using it is to help other people and to be awesome, right? So let's get to work guys, check out Datura on Kickstarter. It's a fun looking project, great colors, solid art and the story looks fun enough, this is one of those things that looks like it'll be a fun read. The other interesting part is the people involved in it seem to know what they're doing and it seems like also working on other projects for bigger publishers which is cool because it means they're professionals and will deliver but also beyond that it means they're as talented as they seem. This project has six days left and needs people's help to make, so please get on there and check out Datura.


The other day I stopped off in a gas station and was looking for some kind of snack to tide me over, I was driving around running errands (it's a busy life for this nerd) and it would be a while before I had time to sit around and eat. So I found two gems that I've been excited about trying here lately, one was Orange Vanilla Coke and the other was the James Harden Trolli Gummy Sneakers. They're sour and colorful and honestly pretty good. The Coke was flipping amazing, it wasn't quite a dreamsicle flavor which I do think is what they were going for, but it was a sweeter coke and you could taste both elements of orange and vanilla. Overall I give the sneakers and coke both three out of four rumblie tumblys.


This year is a really important year in movies. The X-Men franchise will essentially end, with X-Men Dark Phoenix later this summer, we finally learn how The Avengers will save the world from the Snappening, we get a second Spider Man movie with Tom Holland which is crucial because most Spideys don't make it past the second one and because DC Universe undoes all their hard work of universe building by releasing Joker. The trailer just dropped and it looks amazing, it really looks like it's going to be a good movie which before yesterday I wasn't saying at all. However the bigger issue is Shazam will be out by then, Aquaman made almost a billion dollars, Wonder Woman has another movie coming out and oh yeah, DC doesn't have anyone cast as Superman, Batman and rumors are swirling that now Ezra Miller won't be returning as The Flash. More than half of the cast of their team building movie is gone and also Will Smith won't be coming back as Deadshot for Suicide Squad 2, the connected universe is dead. What Marvel seems to have done so easily has been nothing but trouble for DC, which only emphasizes how good of a job Kevin Feige has done of keeping the Marvel Film Universe in line. Controlling massive Hollywood egos, keeping directors in control to stay within the realm of concepts that are already laid out and not letting anyone take too much control of a particular project (with the possible exception of James Gunn). It's a clear example of what one guy could do and what another group couldn't do, same concepts, same budgets just one succeeded and one failed, miserably.

I'm going to jump out and wish you guys a great Thursday and remind everyone to be kind to each other and try a little harder to have a great day! I'm coming back tomorrow and we'll be bringing more good times your way. Feel free to check out my digital short story The Wilson House, or buy a shirt from Side Hustle Ts where every shirt is now under $20 or listen to Nerd Thug Radio or support our Patreon Page. Thoughts, complaints, events and comments can be sent to

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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