Turmoil in New York, the college football playoff and Herm hits Arizona

Turmoil in New York, the college football playoff and Herm hits Arizona
Eli Manning is back. SBNation

You can listen to my radio show, The Sports Bosses, Monday thru Friday 10 a.m. Eastern on SB Nation Radio. Follow me on Twitter @mediarodriguez

Another curious drive around they sports map this week. While I always say that I never let the facts get in the way of a good story, this week’s nuggets tell me that truth is always stranger than fiction:


The Geno Smith era began and ended for the New York Football Giants with a 24-17 loss to the Raiders Sunday.

While Geno didn’t actually play bad he will forever be linked to the buffoonery that was the Ben McAdoo era in the meadowlands.

At 2-9, I get what the Giants were doing. But the logic of looking to Geno Smith to see what he can do is like saying .. I have a Rolls Royce but I want to drive something different this week. Oooh that Toyota Corolla looks interesting. All the while the “future” of the team, Davis Webb was inactive for the game.

After the loss New York fell to 2-10 on the season and quickly fired McAdoo and GM Jerry Reese. Eli Manning is back as the driver of Big Blue as New York shakes themselves.

As far as McAdoo...I always thought that he looked like first guy killed in every mob movie. Well, congrats. You just earned Fredo Corleone status. And Monday, the Giants took Fred ah, Ben.. fishing. Good riddance.


The College Football Playoff committee announced that Alabama would join Clemson, Oklahoma and Georgia as the four teams vying for the sport’s National Championship leaving Ohio Stare on the outside looking in. Bravo. They got it right. Bama should be there.

What is the CFP? A business. A show. They hav an obligation to their shareholders ( TV, sponsors, partners) to deliver the most interesting storylines and games.

Clemson vs. Alabama is a better story line. It is two southern teams playing in New Orleans. It is a better game. It is better... business.


Whoa was that Steelers/Bengals game uncomfortable to watch. Two players taken off in stretchers and a vicious helmet to helmet hit.

While the commissioner may be lighting cigars with hundred dollar bills after getting a contract extension, the Monday nighter pulled back the curtain on the NFL. A violent, cruel game that leaves the players discarded like palm husks on the side of the road.

The league can try to put in all the education, equipment and safety to make the game safer. The players need to give a damn too. No more cheap shots. No more targeting. It just ain’t cool.


Finally thank you to Herm Edwards. I hope he has a long run as head coach of the Arizona State Sun Devils. The press conferences are going to be epic. He’s graduated to “old man shouting at cars” status. Bless his heart.

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Hunter Brown is a big reason the Astros have turned their season around. Photo by Ed Zurga/Getty Images.

Astros manager Joe Espada threw around the word “Ace” when talking about Hunter Brown after his start against the A's.

Do you believe Brown is ready to be in that conversation?

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Paul Gallant and Joe George share their thoughts on Brown and the Astros rotation.

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