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2020 could be a breakout year for Keke Coutee, here's why

Keke Coutee
Photo by Andy Lyons/Getty Images

Keke Coutee's pro-career started with an extraordinary performance for the Houston Texans. In a Week 4 victory over the Colts, the then-rookie receiver set a new league record for the most receptions in a debut with 11 catches for 109 yards. Nearly two years later, Coutee has not come close to matching the on-field production from his first professional game.

A portion of Coutee's lack of productivity stems from operating in a small role within the Texans' crowed receiving core, but injuries may have been the most significant factor. Over the past two seasons, several injuries have limited Coutee to 15 games since his debut inside Lucas Oil Stadium in 2018.

"Keke had to deal with injuries, but when he plays — he has been very productive," Head Coach and General Manager Bill O'Brien said on Tuesday. "He is a guy who has dealt with some hamstring and some ankle [injuries]. I think the big thing for Keke is health."

The 23-year-old prodigy from Texas Tech has an opportunity to increase his role with the Texans this upcoming season. Houston's receiving group could have a plethora of obstacles due to DeAndre Hopkins' departure, and Coutee could help fill in the void — especially as a slot receiver.

Impressed by his development, O'Brien says Coutee has looked great in training camp working with the receiving and special team corps. And with additional assistance coming from Randall Cobb during practice, year three has the potential to be a breakout season for Coutee — if health stays on his side.

"He's a very confident and good player, but the big thing is health — which is the case for a lot of guys," O'Brien said. "Some of their journeys to a consistent career takes a little bit longer than other guys, and some of it is luck. But I think he is on the right track."

In nine games with the Texans last season, Coutee recorded 22 catches for 254 yards, averaging 11.5 yards per catch in 2019.

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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