Besides Bill O'Brien, here are 3 coaches doing less with more


The Texans barely beat the Nick Foles-less Jaguars on Sunday which has some fans concerned with Bill O'Brien's ability to get the most out of his team.

Is Bill O'Brien the worst coach when it comes to getting the most out of his team's talent, or do other coaches across the NFL struggle with this even more than O'Brien?

ESPN 97.5's Joel Blank, Barry Laminack, and Raheel Ramzanali weigh in on O'Brien's struggles and discuss which coaches are the worst at maximizing talent in the NFL.

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Let's make a deal! Composite Getty Image.

Astros GM Dana Brown recently spoke with The Athletic, and he doubled down on the notion that the Astros will not be sellers at the 2024 MLB trade deadline.

In fact, Brown anticipates the club being buyers.

Let's be honest, what else is he going to say in early June? Especially with an owner that claims the championship window will never be closed as long as he's in charge.

Don't miss the video above as ESPN Houston's Jeremy Branham and Joel Blank break it all down.

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