Here are two distinctly different looks at J.J. Watt's epic rant

Texans JJ Watt
JJ's had enough. Composite photo by Jack Brame
Two looks at J.J. Watt's rant

After losing to the hapless Bengals, the Texans managed to reach a new low. This was their only loss to a team deemed to be subpar. All other losses were to teams either in the playoffs or in the hunt for a spot in the playoffs. Needless to say, the losing has caught up to J.J. Watt and he couldn't hold back any longer:

I've never seen J.J. act like this before. He seems frustrated and pissed off for lack of a better term. All the losing, all the doubters, all the turmoil, it's finally gotten to him. I've heard and seen two different schools of thought on this rant. One side has people skeptical of Watt and wondering where was all this fire previously. The other side has people fired up and ready to run through a brick wall. I can see and explain both sides.

The ones who are questioning Watt's intentions and timing have every right to do so. Why is he just now getting so fired up? Where was this when Bill O'Brien was ruining the franchise? Why now? Fans who feel this way are the same ones who've always felt skeptical of Watt's persona. He probably comes off as doing way too much to them and someone who's willing to do what he has to do in order to get the spotlight on him. More than likely, these fans are solidly behind trading Watt to get a draft pick, or cutting him altogether to clear the cap space.

Then there are the fans who are ready to suit up and run through a wall. They love the rah rah stuff Watt does and this is right up their alley. Any time Watt has one of these moments, these are the fans that fall more in love with him. They're the ones he was talking about that still tweet and comment online that they love the team. They're the ones he referenced when he talked about spending their hard-earned money to continue to support this team. This segment of fans want Watt to stay with the team no matter what until he retires.

In my own humble opinion, I like the passion J.J. showed. Fans get too caught up in the timing or assumed meaning behind certain actions. They also tend to wear team colored glasses and feel as if their team/players can do no wrong. Let the players and their emotions play out without riding too high or too low. Easy for me to say when I only write my opinion about the tea. I'm not deeply invested on a more personal level. But I get both sides. I just so happen to side with the fans who enjoyed Watt's rant more than the detractors. I like when players show this level of care and passion. We will never know if this was his true feelings, or a front. I will speculate this was a spur of the moment thing because it didn't seem rehearsed, and he stumbled a few times. Maybe we'll get to see more of this in the future, maybe not. But I love it. Tip of the cap to J.J. for calling it like he sees it and not being afraid of the fallout.

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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