How DeMeco may have tipped his hand on Houston Texans draft plans

Texans DeMeco Ryans
It sure sounds like they're taking a QB at No. 2.Composite image by Brandon Strange.
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The NFL Draft keeps getting closer and for the Houston Texans, the buzz continues to build on what they will do with the No. 2 overall pick.

It is peak speculation season. Some reports say Houston is locked in to taking whichever of the two — Bryce Young or C.J. Stroud — fall to them at No. 2, others say the Texans could look at going defense with its top pick, and a few even have the team trading its selection all together.

Head coach DeMeco Ryans spoke with reporters on Tuesday as the Texans open up their offseason training program. He spoke about various topics, and he also might have just shown a peek at what Houston is planning to do with its top pick come April 27.

Ryans was asked about what he expects from veteran quarterback Case Keenum, who the Texans signed as a free agent this offseason. His response included focusing on how much of a professional the University of Houston product is, and Ryans also said how he is going to be a coach on the field.

“With Case and all of the experience he has, [we] just see him as a guy that can come in and help the younger guys that are in the room,” Ryans said.

Currently, the Texans have three quarterbacks on the roster: Keenum, last year’s starter in Davis Mills and E.J. Perry, who spent all of his 2022 rookie season on the practice squad for the Jacksonville Jaguars.

This is when the tinfoil hats come on, while Mills and Perry are both young, it is hard to believe the Texans brought in Keenum to only help guide them.

Ryans later talked about both Stroud and Young. He didn’t reveal anything about the two specifically other than Stroud visited the Texans last week and Young will visit soon.

He did give a peek behind the curtain on how Houston has approached meeting with players ahead of the draft. Ryans said every encounter is organic because each individual is different. The Texans are seeking to understand each player and learn about what motivates them, he added.

When it comes to selecting a quarterback to be the starter for a team, Ryans also gave his input on what qualities they should have. A quarterback, regardless of their age, needs to be worthy to be a starter, Ryans stated. That is all that matters in his eyes.

What makes a quarterback worthy? Being able to galvanize a locker room, the head coach has said in the past.

As for whoever the Texans take at No. 2, assuming they do not trade the pick, there will be, in theory, some type of pressure for that individual to produce at a high level. Especially if that player is a quarterback.

For Ryans though, that won’t be the case. At least not internally.

“I’m not putting pressure on a guy to come in and just because of where you are picked in the draft, it is unfair to say that a guy is the leader of an organization, and he hasn’t played one snap for our team,” Ryans said.

Before the tinfoil hats come off, the expectation to be a “leader of an organization” is most synonymous with one NFL position.

The NFL Draft can’t get here soon enough.

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