Every-Thing Sports

Jermaine Every fixes the overtime problem for several sports

Jermaine Every fixes the overtime problem for several sports
Let's get the kickers more involved. Texas official Twitter account

Overtimes in every sport have been have been put in place to determine a winner. When that period/s is/are over, the game normally ends in a tie. Unless there’s a playoff game being played, then they keep going until a winner is determined. Different sports have different rules for their overtimes. In lieu of the NFL having new overtime rules and having two ties and a couple near ties, I have proposals for all major sports to adjust their overtimes. These suggestions will help determine winners, as well as making them more palatable for hardcore and casual fans of the sports:


Existing Rule: One 10 minute quarter played; each team gets a possession unless opening possession ends in touchdown, then it’s over; after each team has a possession, first score wins; two timeouts for each team; challenges come from the booth only.

Jermaine’s Adjustment: Each team gets a possession starting at their 35 yard line; no punting; best score wins (example: team A kicks a field goal, team B scores a touchdown, team B wins); if teams are tied after opening possessions, field goal contest starting at 45 yard distance and go back 5 yards until someone misses (teams are allowed to attempt blocking them). *Plot Twist: if first three attempts are successful by each team, non-kickers/punters must start attempting kicks from 25 yards away.

College Football

Existing Rule: Teams exchange possessions starting on opposing teams’ 25 yard line; best score wins; if tied after each team possesses the ball, we go to another overtime; starting with third overtime, teams must go for two-point conversion if they score a touchdown, unless it’s the winning score.

Jermaine’s Adjustment: (See NFL adjustment, but start from 35 yard field goal attempts. *Plot Twist starts from 20 yards away.)

NBA/NCAA Basketball

Existing Rule: A five minute quarter with regular rules; begins with tipoff like a regular game; fouls carry over from regulation; two timeouts per team; if tied, another five minute quarter is played until a winner is determined.

Jermaine’s Adjustment: A six minute quarter; possession determined by teams picking opposing team’s shooter and having a free throw contest best out of 5; no timeouts; fouls don’t carry over, unless you’ve already fouled out in regulation; intentional fouls will result in two free throws and possession; if tied, next period will be four minutes, then two minutes; if tied after the first three overtime periods, another best of 5 free throw contest with same shooters that determined overtime possession and continues until a winner is determined.


Existing Rule: Extra innings with same rules as first nine innings until a winner is determined; players who’ve played and have been taken out of the game are no longer eligible.

Jermaine’s Adjustments: Non-pitchers must pitch; all previously used players are eligible to play again; teams can reset lineups and who comes to bat each inning; after the 12th inning, homerun derby rules until winner is determined (winning batter is credited with a walkoff solo homerun).


Existing Rule: Two 15 minute halves are played regardless of scores in those halves; if still tied, there is a penalty shootout, but only for games in which a winner is necessary, like playoffs, tournament knockout stages, or championship games; regular season games or group play tournament games that don’t require a winner, end in a tie.

Jermaine’s Adjustment: Screw extra halves and go straight to the penalty shootout until a winner is determined for ALL games.

If you have any ideas, agreements, disagreements, or suggestions, hit me on Twitter. I’d really like to get your feedback.


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