For those up in arms over Texans' headset gate, consider this

Texans Lovie Smith, David Culley, Tim Kelly
Culley's comments made national news. Composite image by Jack Brame

The Texans managed to lose even when they won. Not only did they beat the Jags 30-16, but they also lost out on the driver's seat for the number one overall pick (thanks to the Lions upsetting the Cardinals), but they also created a bit of a stir with coach David Culley's comments after the game.

In his postgame presser, Culley made mention of general manager Nick Caserio being on the headset during the game and giving his input on things. People all over lost their minds and acted as if this was some grand violation of the integrity of the game of football. Well, maybe not that extreme, but you get my point. There was a ton of overreaction. I've seen or heard things running the gamut, from some equating this to Caserio bringing the New England culture of cheating down south, to others acting as if nothing is wrong.

Any time there is something going on that seems like it's underhanded or shady, people will react extreme these days. A lot of the reactions I saw online were fairly meh, but a decent enough number felt like this was a bad look. Not only from Culley spewing too much inside info, but the fact that Caserio was on the headset helping him coach basically. "BIG DEAL!" (In my best Gilbert voice.)

When will we (not only as sports fans, but also as a society) get over the fact that some things can push the envelope or blur the lines of right and wrong, yet still be okay? We're always so wrapped up in a perception of something we think is wrong, that we often fail to look at the circumstances. For example: it's okay for Caserio to be on the headset. This isn't the Ray Farmer/Hue Jackson text message-gate from a few years ago. One is a league-approved form of gameday communication, the other is a clear violation of league rules. Caserio was also noted to have been on headsets during his time in New England. While he didn't have input, Bill Belichick found him important to their operation enough to have him listening in on things.

We can obviously see this isn't giving them an unfair advantage. At 3-11, the Texans need all the help they can possibly muster up. Remember, Culley has never been a head coach. He's never even been a coordinator. Caserio probably wants to have as much input as possible to help Culley through all the decisions on gameday. Sure, there are former coordinators and head coaches on staff. But when you want to establish a certain culture and control over a rebuilding franchise, you tighten the strings and tend to hold things more closely to the vest. After all, Culley isn't the long-term answer at head coach, so, why so serious?

I'm sure there are other instances of team employees crossing boundaries and blurring lines elsewhere. Think about your own jobs. Do you or any of your coworkers ever do other people's jobs, or at least help out other departments with their tasks? Does anyone say you're cheating, and that type of stuff can't be tolerated and should be punished? Since when did this become so taboo? Would we penalize a team if the defensive coordinator noticed the opposing defense do something and told the offensive coordinator to run a certain play?

Bottom line: I see people making mountains out of mole hills here. Does it seem fishy? Yes. Is it illegal? No. Should this be the norm? That depends on the organizational structure. Would this have been a bigger story if this took place in New England a few years ago? You're damn right it would! The Texans' record, as well as the fact that this is allowed, makes this a non-issue that people want to make an issue. It's similar to other non-issues people choose to make big issues out of these days. The sooner we stop doing that foolishness, the better off we'll all be.

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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