Who is Reek? Well, it's you UTEP. Sorry.

Texas basketball programs as Game of Thrones characters

Texas basketball programs as Game of Thrones characters

With Game of Thrones right around the corner and the close of college basketball season upon us I figured it would be a nice time to see which of our favorite characters matched with the various Texas basketball programs.


Texas Tech - Jon Snow

Easy to root for and when you think of where they came from you would never expect them to be in the spot they are now. Chris Beard's infectious charm almost matches Snow's puzzled looks when he knows nothing and heroic bravery in various situations throughout the show. Tubby Smith leaving was the Night's Watch turning on Jon. Beard is the revived Snow ready for all challenges.

Houston - Daenerys Targaryen

Also easy to root for. Kelvin Sampson is Tyrion Lannister who was once a blue blood since shunned for something that wasn't his fault. Dana Holgorsen is Jorah Mormont because the hair is perfect. Tilman Fertitta's money is the dragons. It equalizes the playing field. Also, have you ever made a Houston fan mad? They yell at you so crazily it resembles the speak of the Dothraki horde. Oh, and they're loyal.

Texas - Jamie Lannister

A once proud and fierce warrior forced to relive old war success is a lot like winning the NIT. There's still expectations that tradition is held for both Texas and Jamie. You're Texas and a Lannister after all! Alas, you're not quite sure they can get it done these days. They're still hung up on their sister/ex too.

Texas A&M - Cersei Lannister

Spend all the money until the problem is fixed. Buzz Williams and Jimbo Fisher might as well be The Gold Company coming to fix the problems in the kingdom. Never thought they could be king but now there's a chance they are the winners in Game of Thrones. Still hung up on their brother/ex too.

Baylor - Bran Stark

They sort of wander in and out of the story and when they are they you're not sure they're all there but hey they're family right? Incidents have kept them from ending up as a more relevant character but they aren't going away anytime soon.

SMU - Sansa Stark

Again, family and please pay attention. Please. Have been led astray by an older man (Larry Brown) but hopefully back on the right path. There's a future here, just not sure it is bright. Also, I've met more than a few SMU girls who acted like early season Sansa.

TCU - Arya Stark

The child with a ton of potential except all those dang obstacles keep getting in the way. The latest being someone wants to take your coach just like the Waif was trying to take Arya's life when she was training with The Faceless Men. There's a few frat boy programs that could end up on the pointy end.

Stephen F. Austin - Tormund Giantsbane

Wild. Definitely a factor in certain situations. Might be a while before they are more than just a warm body in battle but in the past have played key roles. Did we mention East Texas is kinda like North of the Wall?

Texas Southern/Prarie View A&M - Brotherhood Without Banners

They're going to be there and there going to be annoying but you don't see any way they're surviving. Just like these two programs have been in the tournament but you're certain they are over matched. They'll be back though.

Rice - Samwell Tarly

Smart and useless in battle but might sneak up on an enemy and accidentally kill them every now and then. Did I mention really smart?

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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