The Wrestling Report: Potential dissension in the ranks of AEW?

The Wrestling Report: Potential dissension in the ranks of AEW?


Born with a comic book in one hand and a remote control in the other, Cory DLG is the talent of Conroe's very own Nerd Thug Radio, Sports. Check out the podcast replay of the FM radio shows!

The first cracks are starting to appear in AEW's seemingly unified front against the WWE natural monopoly in the world of wrestling. Joey Janela, the bad boy of Indy wrestling, has since deleted a tweet that announced he wasn't getting on his flight to make his next booking with All Elite Wrestling because they weren't explaining to his satisfaction his elimination from a match the previous week and that he felt that he was losing his momentum that comes from fourteen years of independent wrestling. This was always going to be the issue, every match isn't marquee and every competitor can't be a winner and so you have to have great performers that are OK with losing. That's a hard thing to find among a bunch of guys who have always been me first, like traditional Indy wrestlers are seen as. So what exactly is the solution? Tough to say but it's a good sign that he deleted the tweet, hinting that maybe he got the conversations he was looking for or maybe AEW flexed a little contract muscle, it's hard to say.

AEW is also very obviously in the head of WWE as Britt Baker, one of the top female wrestlers of AEW is the girlfriend of current NXT champion Adam Cole and she was in attendance for his match during Takeover and they put the camera on her during the match. There's nothing like a little free publicity.

Survivor Series is over thankfully and apparently the rumor mill is saying Vince McMahon wasn't even happy with the main event. The triple threat women's match, Becky Lynch, Bayley and NXT's Baszler was just not the end of the show pop they were looking for and most odd was all of these triple threats had a lot of NXT winners, they actually won a majority of the matches, I suppose trying to make them look equal to their counterparts. That's dumb though, we know they aren't. This is one of those mistakes that comes from having a third show and especially having it be the "minor league" of your talent development, the fans know what it is, so when these guys are beating Smackdown and Raw guys, if you're Fox or USA the question should be, well why aren't they on the main roster then? Overall I think this attempt at elevating the NXT brand may further hurt WWE's credibility and leave people looking across the street on Wednesday's to AEW's Dynamite on TNT.

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